The (Un)official write anything you want page

I usually skip television commercials but that one AT&T spot with the 2 American tourist guys in Brussels with Klaus and Dieter made me laughing out loud bigtime.

I don't remember it verbatim but...

***we'll be traveling by train to Paris so we may be out of touch for a while**

**in the meantime we'll be staying at this hostel with the techno twins, Klaus and Dieter...WOOOOOOOO!**


I guess it's better experienced than explained.
I'm fucking sick of Mexicans. I am going to do my part to make this economy suck so bad that they fucking leave...

Today I had to say the following several times:

"Don't ride that pallet jack around"
"Get off my forklift"
"You guy's wanna... do some work?"
"Get the fuck off that thing before you break your ankle." (Of course, dumbass fucked up his ankle getting down)

I said most of this calmly, but then they started bitching to their liaison (SEE: Cunt who translates), whom came and asked me to stop yelling at them and to respect their nationalities (apparently some are "offended" that I call them mexicans when some are chibraperiacans or whatever the fuck) . The fact that they said I was yelling at them though, which I was not, pissed me off enough that I made a 30 minute angry yelling rant about how they're all scum and why they should go back to Venleguatazil. That REALLY pleased the people upstairs who had me sit down in the office for a bit (very warranted, I was about 5 minutes from calling for the mass genocide of anyone born south of the border).

Fuck these free loading scum suckers.

Somehow I still have a job, so I must be doing something right!
I know... That's why I said "I'm going to do my part to make this economy suck so bad that they leave"... granted, I should have stated "Utah's Economy", since there are places like Salt Lake City that they're still having the time of their lives in. Pay is going up, job's are opening because of people like me and my bosses who're expanding here, and the housing market maintained despite other places having problems.

So they're coming here, in vans, from california, since their brothers and sisters told them that this is the promised land.

They won't leave here unless I, and people around me, start fucking shit up so bad that they're forced to leave. Or if we can enable a "speak english or no work" policy. Of course, there are organizations in Utah that attack with massive protests any company that tries to do that.

Fuck these cocksuckers.
well, im finally getting out of my parents place, my apartment will be ready in two weeks. had to throw down a hefty down payment, though (no rental experience and minimal credit.) on the bright side, the lovely fiancé will be joining me. :kickass:
Does anyone else go through periods where you just feel dumb as hell? There's been this fog, a weight even, on my thinking abilities for a couple of weeks. Beyond being annoying as fuck it is actually starting to freak me out. o_O

You aren't the only one. :erk:

I've felt out of it for a while now. I don't know what's going on. I think I might have some kind of chemical imbalance. I was driving not too long ago and was suddenly overcome by an immense sense of dread. I've also felt pretty damned dumb and am currently depressed, nervous, and fighting self destructive impulses.
You aren't the only one. :erk:

I've felt out of it for a while now. I don't know what's going on. I think I might have some kind of chemical imbalance. I was driving not too long ago and was suddenly overcome by an immense sense of dread. I've also felt pretty damned dumb and am currently depressed, nervous, and fighting self destructive impulses.

Mercury was in retrograde for the first couple weeks of October.
enchilada casserole:
layer corn tortillas, enchilada sauce, sour cream, beans, onions, ground beef (cook it on the stove first and drain it), cheese a few times to fill a casserole dish. bake at 350 till it's done.

just as good this morning as it was last night :headbang:
Hey one ear (swiveldick).

Whats the name/address of that pub you used to work in over here in London (actually, I'm in ugly as fuck Slough). One of the management type guys I#ve been having meetings with is also a beer snob and would like to check it out sometime.

If RiA was here, he would stop bitching about blacks and rage about the indians.
Considering I'm the only person here with a child, no one will find this amusing but whatever: The three of us were on a long walk through the neighborhood recently and the Anders had to pee. Ahead I saw a church and it's yard-signage was such that part of it was a good-sized cross. So, much to my wife's chagrin, I said, "hey, Anders, go pee-pee on that cross." Upon walking towards it, we discussed the pros and cons of our child being seen urinating on a cross so I compromised and had him pee on the church grounds, but as we passed the cross for less hallowed grounds for which to soil, Anders implored, "I pee-pee on cross, daddy! I pee-pee on cross!"


If any of you have a 2.5 year old that can beat that, please relate the story.

And pics or it didnt happen
Considering I'm the only person here with a child, no one will find this amusing but whatever: The three of us were on a long walk through the neighborhood recently and the Anders had to pee. Ahead I saw a church and it's yard-signage was such that part of it was a good-sized cross. So, much to my wife's chagrin, I said, "hey, Anders, go pee-pee on that cross." Upon walking towards it, we discussed the pros and cons of our child being seen urinating on a cross so I compromised and had him pee on the church grounds, but as we passed the cross for less hallowed grounds for which to soil, Anders implored, "I pee-pee on cross, daddy! I pee-pee on cross!"


If any of you have a 2.5 year old that can beat that, please relate the story.

And pics or it didnt happen
Kickass story!
Will beat it within 2.5 years :Spin:
I changed the oil on both my cars today with Mobil 1 synthetic. Cost: $100. :erk:
Last time I changed my own oil was in '04 or something and I swear it cost like $15