The (Un)official write anything you want page

Got in to a bar altercation tonight with some dickwad. My buddies were outside smoking some frajos and I went outside to join them in some conversation. This one bloke who I never seen before approaches me in a froggy manner. I greeted him warmly as I took him as one of my friend's cop buddies. I'm then informed that he's not a friend of any member of my party and had just gotten belligerent with my chum moments prior. I take in the intel and chalk it down as a misunderstanding, no biggy. But then the fucker returns and puts his arm around me like we went to school together. The switch turns in my head (I'm suffering from severe anger issues as of late) and I shot put this fucker a good 10 feet on his ass. The bouncer immediately intervenes, I say a couple choice comments to the cunt, and apologize to the bouncer for the small scene as I return to my Guiness.

First Saturday I had off in 5 months. Twas a good time all around.
I've found that nightspots are frequented by denizens of two extreme social classes of which I am no part of: single, low-brow whites/gold-tooth-sporting blacks or single, wealthy, hipsters.
haha badass

somebody needs to start a harp/mandolin/hammer dulcimer maiden tribute group. maximum johnson.

hahaha hell yeah. you know i'm all over that. alright... i'm on the rhythm acoustic guitars and dulcimer. who else is with me? we can do this via the internet. i've done recording across the country before, people, it's not that hard.

also- that bigfoot video is hilarious but they should have taken the best ones and made it shorter... it get sort of old.

but by the way, the kid is the man. that is some serious talent, harps are very hard to play (especially like that, with guitar parts and shit). it really sounds superb...
i'd say i'm in but i don't have a mandolin and my laptop mic won't cut it

The new Lifelover album is surprisingly solid. I mean I liked Pulver by all means but the new one (Konkurs) punches in a wholly different arena. Kind of makes up in craftmanship what it gave up in rawness and sickness. Anyone else gay for it?
The new Lifelover album is surprisingly solid. I mean I liked Pulver by all means but the new one (Konkurs) punches in a wholly different arena. Kind of makes up in craftmanship what it gave up in rawness and sickness. Anyone else gay for it?
I've never listened to Lifelover because they seem pretentious to a latter-day Shining degree... Should I reconsider and pretend it's all really kool instead of silly?
You understand Swedish so I guess that makes it silly. Some of the lyrics are...silly. I've spun Konkurs at least 5 times though and like it.