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Unless he's planning on going insane, getting Alzheimer's soon, or has high cholesterol(not too sure on this one) Fish Oil is pointless.
Incorrect. Fish Oil is incredibly rich in DHA and EPA, two compounds shown to reduce cholesterol. Recommended by my wife's obstetrician.
Dr. Thomas = 1
Swizzle = 0

Disclaimer: I wouldn't take it if I wouldn't have found it in my cupboard, unopened. I felt it was better to use it than let it go to waste. I typically shun all supplements.
Why do you think that supplements are necessary when there is very little positive research to support America's annual $12 billion supplement habit? It's an industry that cashes in on marketing pseudoscientific claims and taking advantage of consumer ignorance.

I don't.
Incorrect. Fish Oil is incredibly rich in DHA and EPA, two compounds shown to reduce cholesterol. Recommended by my wife's obstetrician.
Dr. Thomas = 1
Swizzle = 0

Disclaimer: I wouldn't take it if I wouldn't have found it in my cupboard, unopened. I felt it was better to use it than let it go to waste. I typically shun all supplements.

Did you read my post? I mentioned that it does have some effects; however, I couldn't remember exactly what it did to cholesterol.

The reason I lol'ed is because the way you stated it made me think you just randomly started taking it. If a doctor sees an effect and tells you to take it, then it's justified.

Dorian = -1
Did you read my post? I mentioned that it does have some effects; however, I couldn't remember exactly what it did to cholesterol.

The reason I lol'ed is because the way you stated it made me think you just randomly started taking it. If a doctor sees an effect and tells you to take it, then it's justified.

Dorian = -1

LOL I did start taking it randomly. I read your post but I was picturing you naked instead of comprehending what you wrote :loco:
I started taking fish oil a couple months back. EFA's FTW! :Smokedev:

Aye yae yai once again we see this nonsensical hyperbole from the resident research staff of Swizzle and Deceiver. Jonathan I'm on more dietary supplements than a pregnant woman. The fact is all of them have their advantages. Whether you want to be a parsimonious penny pincher about life and spend your tip money on cerveza fresca (which has zero nutritional value), over a multi-vitamin, an EFA formula, and other beneficial dietary supplements is up to you. But please, don't discourage others who have experienced positive results from such formulas. I have arrived at this judgment by the way I feel, not by listening to some corpulent socially inadequate geek in a lab coat. Do we have to play a game of basketball to prove the effectiveness of these dietary enhancers?!? I've developed one hell of a jump shot.

Brandon, Nick, are you two telling me that you consume enough proteins, fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, to sustain healthy living? Don't be blinded by your youth my good men. If you're feeling good after a dinner of Top Ramen & DogFish Head, you solely have your childlike innocence to thanks.

Next thing you're going to tell me is that the "antioxidants" found in Acai berries and pomegranates is just a bunch of pseudo-scientific folklore. Put down the research journals and LIVE!!!

I love you both.
I actually eat quite healthy. Ever since losing 40 pounds, I've spent a fair amount of money on food, because it's worth it. However, I see no reason to start taking shit that is unregulated to help me, when there is no evidence for it. Diet and exercise is plenty good.

Perhaps my annoyance of anti-science fucks make me such a skeptical bastard.
Why do you think that supplements are necessary when there is very little positive research to support America's annual $12 billion supplement habit? It's an industry that cashes in on marketing pseudoscientific claims and taking advantage of consumer ignorance.

Supplements are bullshit unless you're ACTUALLY lacking in something. I suffer occaisionally from a lack of Vitamin E, which causes the exczema on my elbows to come back with a bloodthirsty pashion. Not sure if the lack causes or is caused by the exczema.