The (Un)official write anything you want page

"Mexicans may be More Stupid than Negars a Los Angeles Study Shows."

Every single time I pull up to El Pollo Loco for a picante pollo fiesta, the illegal working the drive-thru manages to botch my order. Whether they forgot the side of rice, the side of beans, or the accompanying tortillas, I know I'm going to get fucked over like clockwork. The only way to circumvent such a miscue is by muttering Mohican in this ristorante, to which the last remnants of said tribe kindly gather. Well today they justified the annexation of their lands when they forgot to include the CHICKEN in my meal. As I return from the heart of the favela of my dismay, I open up my bag and I am completely bewildered by the sight of a meal comprised of a small salad and vegetables. Yes, I'm on another drastic health binge after sifting through my King Kong Bundy esque HCIII photos. Needless to say, flame grilled chicken is at the heart of the agenda. Fucking manchas mojadas didn't even bother to hand me a receipt, so venturing back in to Mexican Mumbai would be all for naught.
A sensible person would either stop going there or carefully inspect the contents of his bag before leaving the premises instead of ranting on the InterNet.

The 21st century is silly.

"I'm so mad I'm going to make a mobile Facebook post about this from my iPhone!!!"
*furious touchscreen tapping TAP TAP TAP*
"Good thing they forgot my chicken because otherwise I'd be getting chicken grease all over this thing right now."
"You'll pay for this, El Pollo Loco!"
A sensible person would either stop going there or carefully inspect the contents of his bag before leaving the premises instead of ranting on the InterNet.

Yet, two days ago you were on here crying about being rejected by a girl. A sensible person would have...

A) Downloaded some HDPorn to forget their troubles
B) Asked out another girl
C) Snorted a clove of nutmeg
D) Shut the fuck up, so I can bitch about my God damn chicken!

Forgive me for believing that a migrant worker is capable of performing her given assignment. Fucking douche.

It's true that you didn't go in to a full fledged rant over your relationship woes, but it would be fallacious to say that you weren't reaching out for some e-comfort.
Yet, two days ago you were on here crying about being rejected by a girl. A sensible person would have...

A) Downloaded some HDPorn to forget their troubles
B) Asked out another girl
C) Snorted a clove of nutmeg
D) Shut the fuck up, so I can bitch about my God damn chicken!

Forgive me for believing that a migrant worker is capable of performing her given assignment. Fucking douche.

It's true that you didn't go in to a full fledged rant over your relationship woes, but it would be fallacious to say that you weren't reaching out for some e-comfort.

Haha, I haven't been rejected by anyone. I was just saying fuck women.
Just found this on Boing-Boing:

Link to the LA Times article:

Looks like a pretty sweet book, I'll have to wait until I get off work to check out the slideshow though.

Turns out that it's on display in LA!

I picked this book up a few weeks ago. It is actually limited to 5000 standard copies and 666 slip cover copies. The standard goes for around $60 bucks as it is quite large, but has it on sale right now for about $34 if you wanted to pick it up. It is pretty cool. Some of my favorite stuff in the book is not actualy Peter Beste photos, but the oldschool shots of Dead, Euronymous, Varg and the rest of the old Mayhem gang. Some nifty excerpts from the old Slayer 'zine as well.
i wish i could buy cds for all my money because i want to buy cds for all my money
Has anyone stateside ever ordered from There's surcharges tacked on to fucking everything!

Payment Method:

Credit Card(+17.75€, unregistered and not insured +10.75€)
PayPal(+17.75€, unregistered and not insured +10.75€)
Bank Transfer(+15.75€, unregistered and not insured +8.75€)
Cashletter, payment with cheque or cash (cash only for small order up to 25 € please) in a registered letter + no extra charge (+15.75€, unregistered and not insured +8.75€)

Standard delivery

complete (up to 5 weeks)
For airmail, if only one item has been ordered, shipping costs +5 EUR

I wanted to order two zines.
Total for Goods 13 Euros
Shipping 20 Euros

It would be cheaper to buy Andrew a plane ticket to fly the goods to N.A and hand them to me in person. :err:
Grau sucks for foreign shipping, even to France they charge insane amounts. I usually have my stuff from them delivered at a friend's in germany and pick them up once a year when I pay a visit :)