The (Un)official write anything you want page

I've been bored for two weeks now waiting for some damn labor pains but nothing happens...., god damn it, I will be split into two when he/she finally decides to evacuate the belly.
Shitballs. I was hoping my car would be fixed up and back to me in a couple weeks. The insurance company, however, said today that they would rather just scrap the damned thing and give me cash for it. Now how the hell am I supposed to get my ass around the next half year until I can get back over to Japland? Car accidents suck. I think I'll try not to have any more of those.
Make sure you get what your car was worth to you. They will try and screw you out of money.
uhmm ... i think you should be able to buy another car for a pretty good deal in this shitouse of an economy.
I've been bored for two weeks now waiting for some damn labor pains but nothing happens...., god damn it, I will be split into two when he/she finally decides to evacuate the belly.

At least you don't have too long to wait. A friend of mine has about two months to go before the kid comes out.
my friends wife is also due in 7 weeks and she already looks like she will pop any minute .. huuuuge belly.
The wife is due Sunday. She's bigger than ever. We went out tonight and none of today's youth were wizened enough to give up a seat for her during our hour wait on a table. Shame.
C-section on Tuesday, btw.
The wife is due Sunday. She's bigger than ever. We went out tonight and none of today's youth were wizened enough to give up a seat for her during our hour wait on a table. Shame.
C-section on Tuesday, btw.

Why C-section so soon? Or rather, why at all if I may ask?
Tomorrow is the supposed explosion date for us as well, maybe we can have joint birthday parties in the future?
At least you don't have too long to wait. A friend of mine has about two months to go before the kid comes out.

You know what's crazy?! I had two months to wait two months ago! :p
And by the looks of those bellychart-thingys this baby is going to be a giant so I really hope I don't have to go and wait another 2 weeks, but you never know!
Why C-section so soon? Or rather, why at all if I may ask?
Tomorrow is the supposed explosion date for us as well, maybe we can have joint birthday parties in the future?

Previous pregnancy was a C-section. It's OK to have a vaginal birth after a C-section but not if you'd most likely end up with another one anyway.

Anyway, what are the odds two people on this forum would have the same due date? Awesome.
It'd be even more awesome if they both delivered on the same day...first births are usually a little late. Maybe Johanna can hold out until Tuesday, which is when we are scheduled to go under the knife.