The (Un)official write anything you want page

What is this Lovecraftian monstrosity?! Has anyone ever lived to recall its flavor?

My wife obtained all of the ingredients for me to create this beast. However, I decided that standard store-bought goods will not suffice. A friend of mine cuts meat for a local grocer and is going to supply the perfect ammo. I WILL report my findings. I figure I need a few weeks to prepare spiritually.
Took the day off work... windows 7 public beta drops sometime today, and if I learned anything from the vista beta drops it's A) You want to get the official version so you don't have to spend weeks trying to compile all the shit you could have gotten if you had a legal version, and B) You want to start downloading that shit the minute it drops. 2.5 million download limit or something, and while that sounds like a lot, there's probably 8 million people like me who can't wait to get their hands on the supposedly high performing OS.

After all the shit came out that this build is supposedly 2:1 faster for most processes ( than both XP and Vista, those of us who actually care are more than ready to dedicate themselves to a beta build. I'd have gone full linux if WINE and Cedega had better support for my windows needs.

My clicking finger is poised.
i am going to pull it today also if i remember to check back later in the afternoon ... all roads point to redemption for Microsoft after the huddah that is Vista.

btw ... been using IE 8 and it has proven to be nice and fast also with relatively few glitches considering its a beta.
IE8 Beta 2 drops in the Windows 7 bundle. I've been digging beta 1, might actually switch to 8 full time. This beta also dumps with DirectX11, thank fuck. DirectX10 has driven me to the last portions of sanity.

As for a link... it'll pop up on the MS site as soon as it comes out. Somewhere within the next 6 hours, unless you're an MSDN subscriber (which I am not anymore since it really wasn't worth it until now...) you can get a headstart now.
well if one of you is able to pull a full version, please upload it somewhere for the rc crew ...
well if one of you is able to pull a full version, please upload it somewhere for the rc crew ...

Well, there is a torrent out on TPB:

Thats the x86, there's a x64 but one thing I learned from the vista betas... don't try it. Had some fun times that day.

Anyway, that torrent, if you're configured decent, should download lightning quick.

I'm specifically waiting on the key, at this point, meaning I just need access to the technet signup sheet's second page. Of course, that was so fucking hammered earlier you couldn't access it, and now they took it down.

I may install it (since I'm hitting it on dualboot) and just wait on the key till later.

Also, if you do install it, DO NOT do anything with Mp3's and Windows Media Player 12 until you install the MP3 update. Unless you set them all to read only, ofcourse.
I had everything ready... or so I thought. Went to burn the image and I noticed... I had no blank DVD's. Looked fucking EVERYWHERE. None. So I drove my sorry ass down to walmart and paid 5 bucks for 3 fucking DVD's.

Jesus christ. 5 bucks? 3!?

I was gonna buy one, but I'm guessing something will fuck up once or twice, so 3 should do.
so its 2pm EST and still no link on the official site ... I guess they are waiting for afternoon to hit for PST

but yeah I am going to run this beta on my laptop that I don't really have much on now anyway as I just use it to run demo's for clients at off-site meetings.
I can't imagine it annoying me more than the Vista that's currently on it.
thanks but looks like a link to the TechNet subscribers ... I can't fidn where the public d/l site it
Well... I'm up and running on Windows 7 now. I'm digging it. The installation was my favorite part... it installed every driver I needed, and even setup my dual monitors the way I likes em. I was astonished.

The new taskbar is going to take some getting used to, though.
The new MS paint is beyond fucking awesome, as well as the new taskbar...


Fucking shit yeah! You know vista's thumbnail display? THIS SHIT TOOK IT TO THE FUCKING EXTREME!
lol @ all the RC open windows ..

looks like the monitor market is going to get a boost also.

still can't get one on MS's site ... found some rogue versions on BT sites, but for some reason I am skeptical