The (Un)official write anything you want page

Well, for the first time in my life I saw someone die at my feet last night. It was about 7:30pm and I was walking with my fiance. We were headed out of the parking lot when we hear the screech of breaks and see a body fly about 20 ft into the air and onto the other side of the street. I promptly shield the fiance's eyes and tell her to go home and call 911, there's been an accident. I was the first one to approach the body (who turns out is my downstairs neighbor on a walk) and I see there's nothing I can do. He was uprooted from his untouched and disgustingly pristine white tennis shoes and tossed into the grate of a sewer near the foremost curb of my apartment complex. I approach the body shortly before dog-walkers from a park across the street do and I just stare. I knew I couldn't touch the body. His ribs were protruding through his backside and his face seemed a bit too flush with the grate. All we could do was direct traffic when we all took fright at the man's last few breaths. It may have been electrical discharge alone or quite possibly his last living breath but it was what set everything into stone. Its just a weird feeling, you know? We've all seen our fair share of desensitizing internet-found gore but nothing really makes you feel human until life ends no more than a few inches from your shoes.
Its just a weird feeling, you know? We've all seen our fair share of desensitizing internet-found gore but nothing really makes you feel human until life ends no more than a few inches from your shoes.

Very weird feeling.

I wonder what the difference in feeling for a civilian Vs. Marine is, and the out-of-war context of course. There are all sorts of emotions during that as well for me at least, depending on situation: whether I killed them myself, contributed to their death in some way, or had nothing to do with it. Whether it's there children collecting their body, whether their friends/family show remorse or just want money, whether there body is bagged or not, Civilian Vs. Combatant. Etc.
Phil Rizzuto

You will need:

1 funnel
1 balloon
1 full bladder
1 freezer
1 unattended automobile
1 pair of disposable gloves

Insert the funnel into the balloon.
Urinate into the funnel until the balloon is full and taut.
Tie the balloon tightly and place in the freezer for 8-12 hours or until frozen solid. (NOTE: Freezer times may vary.)
Wait for a very hot day.
Wearing disposable gloves, remove the balloon from the freezer.
Carefully scrape the balloon skin from the frozen urine.
Take the frozen urine and smash it through the driver's side window of an unattended automobile.

Not only will the "recipient" have to replace their car window, but their upholstery will stink of urine.

And there will be no trace of a projectile.
Jerry and Milke made a cameo appearance in a dream last night. I was at a restaurant eating dinner with my wife and someone else I didn't recognize and Jerry and Mike made their way over to the table to say hello. :lol: