The (Un)official write anything you want page

MajestikMøøse;8083593 said:
Well I'll make the official announcement to you dudez that I have gotten the boot from the d00dz in Cornell (because I was late on getting your lame standardized test csocrez into them, oops!) and the boot from the d00dz in UCLA becauze yer state is effing broke (just like NAD) and can't admit me because they don't have enough money for new graduate students in their program but all is not lost because people here tell me I can hang out and do a masters onsite in Alberta but they have no real money to give me either.

:erk: ... fuck California
Cornell? Fuck that shit. How about Wright State University? That's where I went and look at me!
Also the most vilest, non-recognizable, non-entities, that even orange-toting dirty latinos have displeasure in exchanging pleasantries with.

go go education

C'mon Derick, you're not over that thread?! Once it was deleted, all ill feelings were supposed to disappear along with it. :cry:

Moose, sorry to hear that nignog. Go teach English in Asia?
this looks like fun, eric:

Senate Panel Approves Hiding Restaurant Bartenders

Last Update: 2/27 10:46 am

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) - A Utah Senate committee has approved a bill that would hide the preparation of alcoholic drinks behind 10-foot-high walls in restaurants and make it illegal to appear drunk.

Sen. John Valentine, R-Orem, says Senate Bill 187 is intended to eliminate anything resembling a bar in restaurants.

His measure also would redefine what it means to be intoxicated in Utah, gutting a Utah Supreme Court ruling that said simply being a drunk is not a crime. Under Valentine's bill, it would be illegal for anyone to look like they are drunk.

The bill passed unanimously on Friday. It will now be debated on the Senate floor.
My mom's in New Hampshire spending the weekend with her friend. Hahahaha, this is the first time she's been north of Oklahoma, and to her 72 degrees is cold :lol:
Happens a couple times a year. At least its 99% luxury ones amirite?

it looked like a mixed bag really. same some Smarts and Opels in there.
but while I am not in favor of these nihilistic expressions, I do like that Europeans usually take to the streets in one way or another when times are tough.
We really are big pussies here in the US when it comes to venting our frustrations o_O
Well, I had assumed that winter was pretty much over. Expcting 18 inches of snow between today and tomorrow. Fucking great.

its not going to be much ... people are already flockign the supermarkets here today like they will need to cross the Arctic Circle tomorrow.
it looked like a mixed bag really. same some Smarts and Opels in there.
but while I am not in favor of these nihilistic expressions, I do like that Europeans usually take to the streets in one way or another when times are tough.
We really are big pussies here in the US when it comes to venting our frustrations o_O

Actually, its mostly the extremists[read: morons] on either end(left/right) so....
Probably said it before, but fuck it, I'll say it again. God damn Arkansas for not selling booze on Sundays.

Yeah Jesus is not allowing it.
It's the same in VA. but we can get beer and wine on any day of the week at the grocery store, including Sundays, but booze? No.
But honestly that never bothered me, just buy it on Saturdays... or keep a good stock on any given time.

Oh and:

God damn Arkansas

One can't say it enough!