The (Un)official write anything you want page

this thread is necessary for random acts of smut posting and all in all idiocy that we need...


a disease caused by a smut fungus (Ustilaginales) in the Basidiomycota or the fungus itself; it is characterized by masses of dark brown or black, dusty to greasy masses of teliospores that generally accumulate in black, powdery sori
(corn smut caused by Ustilago zeae)
JayKeeley said:
funnier still that people come to the forum, bump this thread, the picture thread, and then leave :lol:
Dude, you need to spend more time in the What's The Last CD You Dun Spun? thread. There's dudes in there that NEVER post in other threads besides that one. :lol:
NADatar said:
Dude, you need to spend more time in the What's The Last CD You Dun Spun? thread. There's dudes in there that NEVER post in other threads besides that one. :lol:

It's unbelievable. :lol: WAY too much spam here these days. Gotta trim the fat and close up some threads soon.
I asked that Impotent dude if he ever joined in any real discussion and I think his answer was "sometimes" and that was all. :lol:
...and then people contribute to "Social Anxiety" threads :lol: x 1000

This is real life people, just listen to these rules and all will be fine:

Bored and contributing to real thread discussions = ok, you're a loser, but still, it's ok

Bored and contributing nothing on an Intraweb chat forum = KILL YOURSELF NOW YOU WORTHLESS TURDS

Waahh waah I have no friends....but at least I can tell people what last CD it was I listened to!!!

dorian gray said:
you just went up 12 points in my book

You know what's funnier? When people defend "hovering" in forums. They won't ever post, they'll just read what OTHER people are talking about without contributing.


Some of them are even on "invisible" mode.

I mean, come on... :lol: have no real friends, so you come to the forums...and even then you can't post. You're probably reading this right now aren't you? Go it....drink that bleach. :heh:

:lol: <- really laughing as I type
JayKeeley said:
I mean, come on... :lol: have no real friends, so you come to the forums...and even then you can't post. You're probably reading this right now aren't you? Go it....drink that bleach. :heh:
:lol: Yer fuckin' killin' me yo...
JayKeeley said:
You know what's funnier? When people defend "hovering" in forums. They won't ever post, they'll just read what OTHER people are talking about without contributing.


Some of them are even on "invisible" mode.
For the longest time, I thought this stuff wasn't for real. I just couldn't believe people could be that wierd.