The (Un)official write anything you want page

Aurel! Any interest in redesigning a website for an underground metal label on the cheap? :grin:

what's cheap? :grin:

last metal related website I worked on was the original code666 webstore. actually convinced Emi to set one up. I think I got paid in promos for a few years :loco:

but yeah you would benefit from a full blown e-commerce shop with all the bells and whistles, promos, coupons, etc.
mostly work on this kind of trendy stuff nowadays:
Well, I was semi-joking because I'm semi-drunk and assumed you'd have no interest. If you would consider it, I would gladly give you freebies for as long as I'm releasing stuff and anything from the distro you might want that I have on hand now...or down the road, for that matter. $ is always tight but merch is easier to deal with.
Welp, interesting night. Had to throw Matt out of my party for physically/sexually(?) assaulting Acie :loco:

Sorry but if somebody touches somebody else, they've got to go. No matter who they are or what it's about. If you've GOT to fight, take it somewhere else. Pretty rude to pull that crap in my yard. Everyone else was just trying to have a good time. And a good time we're having!

It's not 100% sure yet though put will hopefully be before the end of this week.

About half the roofs seen on google maps are barns, too :Spin:

EDIT: I counted, and there's actually 30-35 houses! Some of those are old and run down and empty, but still!
Matthew: You grabbed Acie, put him in your lap, humped him(at which point Acie was still kinda playing along because you started a whole conversation about buttfucking him right before this), then wrapped your legs around him in some weird kind of deathgrip while pulling clumps of his hair out. At that point Acie wasn't still playing along obviously, telling you to stop, that it had gone far enough. But you wouldn't let go; you were like an anaconda suffocating it's prey. I'm not even sure what made you stop...then you left Jeremy behind because he didn't have your back during all of this? Twas epic fail!
It was only funny for a brief moment, then it quickly got out of hand and very not funny. Other than that incident, we had a grand ol' time! I was proud of how my meats turned out :Spin:

Poor Acie, always getting sexually assaulted at our parties. Must be those rosy cheeks :lol:

I suppose I'll upload some pics, if I can even find my camera.
I'm just glad he left before we had to call the someone did when he got back to his apartments. His rage did not end here, very apparently.
I knew that dude was a degenerate. What an idiot. He is lucky such nice folks where there. I would have followed him and destroyed him mercilessly. Not in my friends house though of course =D.
I must have missed that. I might not have graduated, but there's not a day that goes by that I don't remember being on Parris Island in one way or another.
yup, good fishing there too so I suppose I gotta get me a new interest. (Got one right behind this house we live in now too, with a boat in it and all but I still haven't gone on one single fishing trip this summer so it's not likely that it'll happen)

Very nice locale :kickass: You'll have to take up fishing so you can live off the land and provide for the missus and kids. Then you'll have to buy a rifle and shoot yourself a moose. And pick lingonberries.