The (Un)official write anything you want page

They have duped national news than, and the police. The twitches/spasms are quite realistic. Also the death rattle at the end.

I've seen alot of people die. There's never been any kind of spasms. No death rattle (I don't really know what that is, actually). I've never seen anyone hanged though.
I've seen alot of people die. There's never been any kind of spasms. No death rattle (I don't really know what that is, actually). I've never seen anyone hanged though.

I have also seen a lot of people die. In these cases the spasms where usually caused by increased blood in the torso due to internal bleeding putting preasure on the lungs, or a collapsed lung, the 'swallowing the tongue' move. It looks like they are using their whole torso to eat their own tongue. The 'death rattle' to me usually seems like the 'oh fuck I'm about to die' moment and the mind/body puts one last ditch effort into survival. Your the damn medical professional though, maybe these were just strange cases. Of course, if you get one in the grape you just drop like a ragdoll.