The (Un)official write anything you want page

Congrats on all going well in your life then mate. Houses are good.

As of right now the Australian dollar is buying 99.6 US cents. I feel like I should be heavily investing in US stocks or some shit, but I'm a pov cunt and have nothing to invest.
i'm investing around $8000 in an index fund (that follows the omx stockholm 30) on monday

this will be my house-buying money eventually
so i won my choice of 1 DVD from the Oscilloscope catalog here:

what should I take?

Terribly Happy (Frygtelig lykkelig)
Dir. Henrik Ruben Genz

Robert Hanson (Jakob Cedergren) is a Copenhagen police officer who, following a nervous breakdown, is transferred to a small provincial town to take on the mysteriously vacated Marshall position and subsequently gets mixed up with a married femme fatale. Robert’s big city temperament makes it impossible for him to fit in, or understand the uncivilized, bizarre behavior displayed by the townspeople. Quickly spiraling downward into an intense fable reminiscent of the Coen Brothers’ BLOOD SIMPLE and NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN, TERRIBLY HAPPY displays a unique, often macabre vision of the darkest depths to which people will go to achieve a sense of security and belonging.

the only one that doesnt sound horribly boring
Terribly Happy (Frygtelig lykkelig)
Dir. Henrik Ruben Genz

Robert Hanson (Jakob Cedergren) is a Copenhagen police officer who, following a nervous breakdown, is transferred to a small provincial town to take on the mysteriously vacated Marshall position and subsequently gets mixed up with a married femme fatale. Robert’s big city temperament makes it impossible for him to fit in, or understand the uncivilized, bizarre behavior displayed by the townspeople. Quickly spiraling downward into an intense fable reminiscent of the Coen Brothers’ BLOOD SIMPLE and NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN, TERRIBLY HAPPY displays a unique, often macabre vision of the darkest depths to which people will go to achieve a sense of security and belonging.

the only one that doesn't sound horribly boring

already have that one but haven't watched it.

did you see DEAR ZACHARY? ... there was an uproar on this here board after I reco'd that flick. crazy stuff.

i'll probably get FRONTRUNNERS, worked on the films website and only have a rough cut version of it