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enjoy these months mi amigo. these last few before birth and then the other 6 or so after are the most peaceful I think. the SO's sleep a lot :loco:

And just when you think you got a handle on the situation, she'll get pregnant again
hey Miller, speaking of kids ... how old before i should put the kid in a normal kids bed? she is 20 months old now and I think she is done with the crib.
lol @ Ken.
Aurel, maybe give it another 4-6 months. But really, if she's climbing up and falling out already, then there's no time like the present. There's also a wierd transition phase where they refuse to sleep in the new bed. It's fucking maddening. But maybe yours will be fine.

Let's hope.
we actually have a pretty cool crib with a mattress base that can be lowered so it will be probably anotheyr year until she can climb out :lol: ... so not sure that's a good gauge.

but yeah, heard around 2 years is a safe bet.

thanks pops!