The (Un)official write anything you want page

ya can get cheap smokes for $6 in sweden, and sweden is notoriously expensive re: all this shit, so hot damn
Cigarettes recently had a price rise here. New tax to dissuade smoking or some shit. I think cheap packs are about 12 bucks, with the more premium brands being around 15 or 16. But I dunno, I haven't smoked for years.
i just made this pretty cool poster for a local hard rockin event

Can't wait until monday. By then I will have moved into the new apartment and all the preparations and work between now and then will be over with.
But until then, FML.
Cigarettes recently had a price rise here. New tax to dissuade smoking or some shit. I think cheap packs are about 12 bucks, with the more premium brands being around 15 or 16. But I dunno, I haven't smoked for years.

Heck, I can get a carton of PEll MElls for cents less than $40.
She really doesn't do much for me

That said, I'll ask Jack what happened at the next PTA meeting :loco:
Never one of my favorites, but it's hard to deny the power of a couple of their songs.

Sweet as hell.
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lol @ the article. Yeah, jeez, I cant imagine why a musician obsessed with southern music would leave the stinking, festering shithole of Detroit to live in Music City. Just doesn't make sense :rolleyes:

edit: I posted the link primarily for the pic. I don't find Karen Elson attractive at all...but then again, I'm of the understanding that the best models are typically pretty bland so they can be molded into whatever's needed for the job. So, good for her.