The (Un)official write anything you want page

hahah, i love the juden ... always ready to screw someone over for another few bucks.
emailed this person earlier for a textbook my wife needs ... his reply:

"i still have it with the 3 cds, but someone else already has offered to buy it on friday, unless if u are willing to pay a higher price, i cant sell it to you"
Hate all you must, but you gotta admit it's a tune that stays stuck in your head. Then again, so does "Seven Nation Army," which is one of the WORST SONGS EVER. It's a sweet little ditty, nothing more, nothing less. Reminds me of something Lou Reed might have pulled off in his later VU days.

Who was it who said that they had Cat Stevens' "Wild World" stuck in their head for months at a time? :lol: Dorian?

Also, did anyone ever see this?


haha I dont get it. So you have to break the record to get to another one? That would kinda make me mad.
the last bust with a hooker; he was at the Plaza in NYC ... with Richards and his kids in the next room.

a dying breed ... a real Hollywood star :kickass:
some of my lady friends on FB really need to get fucking laid.

when you post 4-5 updates a day always bitching about something ... it's time for the bologna pony.
I hear ya. I choose to *block* their posts so they dont show up. I had a bunch of "friends" that I havent seen since high school, etc...I axed over 200 people and then spared the feelings of the rest by just *blocking* their bullshit. I think 70% of what I actually see on FB is from the RC and Hellride crew.

The moment my mother joined FB is when I knew it was doomed.

A friend posted the other day "Gym time muthafuckas!" followed by his older cousin posting "easy on the language" followed by his GRANDMOTHER posting "there is a time and place for that and this is DEFINITELY not it."

WTF!?! WHat happened to teh intarweb?!

thank God my wife is busy playing Farmville to be bothered with my nonsense there.

my clients I put in a different friend group so they don't see most of the stuff I post either (like nonsense DM videos, etc ...)
yeah, then he followed that up with "sorry grandma, i'll be more thoughtful on my choice of words in the future" followed by the hip grandma posting some nonsense about him being "better than that." wtf-ever.

thank God my wife is busy playing Farmville to be bothered with my nonsense there.

my clients I put in a different friend group so they don't see most of the stuff I post either (like nonsense DM videos, etc ...)

I wasn't aware that you could even do that.

My wife hasn't got a clue as to wtf my dumb shit is even about.
Neal: I dunno. Maybe because the guitar hook sounds like some shit my burnout 60y/o non-guitar-playing uncle would have come up with.
haha I dont get it. So you have to break the record to get to another one? That would kinda make me mad.

haha, wtf was that? just saw it.

is he trying to innovate vinyl?

I like how vinyl is all of a sudden cool again, yet still inconvenient as fuck.