The (Un)official write anything you want page

to add to my bitching chick posts on FB ... oddly it's the ones that I would think would be getting a regular rodgering

anyway ... i tell you, all you single peeps with the aid of FB should be getting serious action. i mean it a brilliant tool for figuring out most people's activities.
Neal: I dunno. Maybe because the guitar hook sounds like some shit my burnout 60y/o non-guitar-playing uncle would have come up with.
well yeh but thats all of their guitar hooks haha

im not a WS fan, just sayin there is SUCH worse music out there. just check any radio station that isnt classic rock.
A friend posted the other day "Gym time muthafuckas!" followed by his older cousin posting "easy on the language" followed by his GRANDMOTHER posting "there is a time and place for that and this is DEFINITELY not it."

WTF!?! WHat happened to teh intarweb?!


Brian Zuckernerd needs to get punched in the face for creating such a vacuous cyberpit. Why must I even know that man's name?
It's actually relatively simple to do with programs like net-tools5, blindside, or puff. The only problem is these kiddos generally aren't anything more than script kiddies, so they'll probably wind up in a shit-ton of trouble if they ever try to get away with passing along anything criminal in a message. The possibility of heavy encryption is there, though. The idea of Steganography isn't a new one and has been used by many hacker groups, kiddie porn rings, and the like throughout the years. It is neat to see things like that making their rise to the general public. Next thing you know, every kid on the block will be broadcasting numbers stations on his/her shortwave transmitter.
On a large scale, let's say government, the idea is a brilliant one. Things such as numbers stations, and other media, have been broadcasting secret messages that are available to the general public for decades through things like shortwave broadcasts. Thanks to the use of one-time pads, however, only one agent in the field, or group, can decode these messages. They are absolutely uncrackable. It's just an easy way to make sure the intended receiver has a high chance of receiving the message when things like cell phones may not always be readily available. That's some serious covert shit though, so you're absolutely right. They're doing it for the same reason kids do everything else, it's "cool."
yeah that's what i meant

it is neat and useful technology but no one needs to use that shit to hide from their parents their pleas to older cousins for booze
So, I've decided today that I need a shirt that says in at least 10 different languages I'M AN AMERICAN BUT I'M NOT LIKE THOSE OTHER GUYS, I PROMISE. or I'M AN AMERICAN BUT I DON'T WATCH FOX NEWS, NO, REALLY, I DON'T.
Wow, I'm gonna have a field day with this one....

I got banned because of what I'm about to type (another elitist forum whose name I will not mention)

<yeah, fuck it>
"Elvis ate my crap, it's a love affair. MAINLY Elvis and my crap..."
</yeah, fuck it>
Wow, I'm gonna have a field day with this one....

I got banned because of what I'm about to type (another elitist forum whose name I will not mention)

<yeah, fuck it>
"Elvis ate my crap, it's a love affair. MAINLY Elvis and my crap..."
</yeah, fuck it>
who are y'all and what y'all talkin bout