The (Un)official write anything you want page

I cant stand that Galifinakas guy...although at the very beginning I thought it was Brent Hinds lol
What happened to all the people in the Joplin tornado? How do people end up in hospitals hundreds of miles away? I'm confused. In the immediate aftermath, did ambulances drive through the rubble and just snatch people up? How did they end up in hospitals in different states?
Sad to hear that Lantz kid was found dead today. I mean I knew there was no way he could survive being tossed from a rolling vehicle....but it still sucks to hear anyway
What happened to all the people in the Joplin tornado? How do people end up in hospitals hundreds of miles away? I'm confused. In the immediate aftermath, did ambulances drive through the rubble and just snatch people up? How did they end up in hospitals in different states?
Sad to hear that Lantz kid was found dead today. I mean I knew there was no way he could survive being tossed from a rolling vehicle....but it still sucks to hear anyway

I just heard about a mother in OK (I think?) that was holding her 3 year old in a tub or something and he was torn from her arms...and that was the 2nd of their 2 kids nabbed by the/a tornado. Jesus Christ.
so i am reading that they had 24 minutes to take shelter after the tornado warning was broadcast. considering these are pretty much flatlands and you can see for miles (especially a huge funnel from the sky) wouldn't you pack everyone in the car and bolt in another direction?

I am pretty sure I wouldn't stay put.
I think it would possible to outrun a tornado. Just check out the stormchaser videos.
Then again, us midwesterners are so used to tornados we typically go look out the nearest window instead of fleeing to shelter. It's pretty dumb...but you typically dont expect an EF5 to come barreling through the center of town.
But yeah, 24 minutes...hmm...I think I'd get the fuck out of the way. But you dont want to be in a car during a tornado. If you're in a car, you're dead.
Seems alot of people died in the Home Depot as they ran in to get out of their cars - which is what youre supposed to do - and they werent expecting the brick building to collapse on them.