bring the ring when you come visit
This shall be my next audio purchase in the coming weeks for my bday:
Mainly because of the ease...push the power button and play for 15 min if need be. I cant do that with my current setup.
wtf just happened on this page?
Dear god man this really is the end for (/of?) you!
In all seriousness this is why I ended up with a receiver for the 683s. Home Theatre if I want to expand the setup, and the simplicity of HDMI out from my comp into it to play music or movies... win all around.
Tomorrow. I'll be in Europe until 14th of June. We're touring by bus.Awesome! When are you going? I'm going to be hitting Europe sometime in the coming months, after Thailand/SE Asia.
So, we have a snobby beer thread and a whisk(e)y thread. I love both and made my rounds but lately all I have been drinking and heavily exploring is red wine. I think it would be kinda gay & lying to create a red wine thread though.