The (Un)official write anything you want page

Ohhh that makes sense now. Well it doesnt really deter me any considering Im sitting at a computer as well he is and sometimes I find it irritating but sometimes extremely comical.
haha, jerry's an unassuming guy. Some of the stuff he posts doesn't match some of the seriously awkward comments he's spouted while at parties, bars, etc. :lol:

There are times I think he actually hates hanging out with himself :loco:
Surely, I wouldn't be man enough to say such things to your face. You most definetaly would stomp a mudhole in me and walk it dry with those size 13 boots that hold up that herculean frame of yours. I kneel before your goathorned throne that is perched up high on Mt. Unemployus.

haha, jerry's an unassuming guy. Some of the stuff he posts doesn't match some of the seriously awkward comments he's spouted while at parties, bars, etc. :lol:

Dude like what? That time when I whipped out my dilly and pissed in front of half a dozen party goers, one being the italian girl of our good comrade's wet dreams?!?! That was in no way awkward!!!

Beer :kickass:

There are times I think he actually hates hanging out with himself :loco:

Only when I'm surrounded by white preppy/hippy/yuppy filth. It puts me in an awkward spot as I don't have a social connection to these people and their materialistically pseudo-hip lifestyles. In solitude is where I am most content.
haha yeah that kicked ass! Then I had sex with your girlfriend and you didn't care? Man, you rule!
I dont date gothic chicks, because thats essentialy what "most" so called black metal chicks are, they know Cof and DB and they always love Type o and Him, I dont date girls with tattoos or peircings , its disgusting.I have tattoos and piercings but I dnt like my woemn copvered in that trash. Yes its a double standard but I live by thatrule. I never said I liked BM chicks, I just dont see how any self respecting person can like Lacuna Coil period. Doesnt have to be a BM chick, i mean any chick period.
I just have a hard time even talking to people that dont like metal. Thats why me and my gf stopped talking about music all together. I dont think saying woman compared to chick really means anything different on a forum where a bunch of dudes are. Since when did it become wrong to actually be a guy and talk like a guy and act like a guy around guys. Im not disrespecting your significant other thats just the way i talk.
My girlfriend isn't a black metal or goth "chick," in fact she barely even listens to any metal or so called "extreme" music. I'm not sure where the tattoos and piercings are coming into play as that has nothing at all to do with what we're talking about. What's wrong with an average girl or person for that matter liking Lacuna Coil?
It's sad that you can't talk about music with your girlfriend just because she doesn't like metal. Do you agree on everything else? Or do you just choose not to talk about anything that you both can't agree on?

Oh no man i wasnt talking to you about the black metal chick thing that was to RIA, anyway no we talk about lots of stuff and sometimes music but not very often. Ria said something about extreme black metal chicks on myspace. Sorry that was misunderstood. Well we dont talk about metal very often because its what Im extremely passionate about and she doesnt really get much of it and we dont talk about politics much because its what shes really into even though we both feel the same on lots of stuff , my thinking patterns dont match hers so it creates a lot of confussion , everything else we are pretty cool with. We are both very similar in our personalities but we like very different things. And as far as Lacuna well I just cant see the attraction to them I guess.
You know I tried listening to your MSRCAST once upon a time, and was oddly pleased by the fact that you put a song by Pharrell inbetween such underground acts as Danzig and Iron Maiden. Mainstream resistance indeed, up the irons!

Papa Jobless seriously, why the fuck are you here?!? Electricity bill 2 months past due again?!?!

Surely, I wouldn't be man enough to say such things to your face. You most definetaly would stomp a mudhole in me and walk it dry with those size 13 boots that hold up that herculean frame of yours. I kneel before your goathorned throne that is perched up high on Mt. Unemployus.

Forgive me father, as I know not of my transgressions.

Jobless? You must have me confused with someone else. Quite employed and content. I am here because I have every right to be.

I wouldn't need to "stomp a mudhole" in you... just looking into your eyes and laughing at you would be enough for me. :cool: Weak minded simpleton.
Jobless? You must have me confused with someone else. Quite employed and content. I am here because I have every right to be.

I wouldn't need to "stomp a mudhole" in you... just looking into your eyes and laughing at you would be enough for me. :cool: Weak minded simpleton.

Ok... call him all kinds of names, but simpleton? :err:
Jobless? You must have me confused with someone else. Quite employed and content. I am here because I have every right to be.

I wouldn't need to "stomp a mudhole" in you... just looking into your eyes and laughing at you would be enough for me. :cool: Weak minded simpleton.

"Shut up! Fifty threads ago we'd have you upside down with a fucking fork up your ass."

"You can talk, you can talk, you're brave now motherfucker. Throw his ass out Deron. He's a wegar!"

Now that I got the Michael Richards parody out of the way...

Where are you employed at my good man?!?! Scooping up shit at the local petting zoo inbetween feedings?!?! You're obviously not in any position that requires personal hygiene. Holy hell, if this was 1865 maybe, just maybe you could get a job as an Abe Lincoln stand in, and save the life of the president you quietly pray to every night before you go to bed with that mountain of flesh you call a better half. (The other half ran down the crack of your mother's ass and ended up being a shit stain on your parents mattress) But I digress you foul mouthed swarmy cesspoolian you. As far as I am aware, you're cheating the system just like every other negar and wegar in your area code. Every time the first of the month comes around you take off your shirt, throw it up, and wave it around like a helicopta. Papa jobless, I won't paypal you 10 bucks for your phone bill, but I will paypal you some advice. And that advice is this,
Why do you want to know where I work, stalker?

I'm basically asking you to send me a facsimile of a paystub. You know some concrete proof that you're gainfully employed and not like every rapper who you "bump" on your stereo that was living on my dime before they hit it big. If it happens to be that you're unemployed, I really would like to know where the hell your foodstamps are going to as they could very well be exchanged to the local street pharmacist for some "spoons". It's just a way for me to account for my tax deductions is all. :)