^ Yep.
and Pablokers, keep playing. You'll see.
NOTE : This mission takes place at 1am.
Anywho, I was playing Operation Flashpoint : Dragon Rising, and on the mission Decapitation, I had to destroy a radio station. I get 1.5km from said radio station and my commander tells us that General Han, 2nd in command of enemy forces has been sighted heading our way. So we set up an overwatch position above a Re-fuel/Re-arm station in a small valley. Han lands and exits his chopper and enters a truck. We are NOT to engage him....... Yet
We track his movements for about..... 500 meters or so, and set up another overwatch position. He checks on his troops and re-enters his truck. We silently stalk our prey from the treeline. He checks up on 2 more checkpoints and makes his way up to the Radio Station. He's making a broadcast to his troops, telling them to force us to go home, and that this is their island, not ours. We set up an overwatch position from about 800 meters away and get clearance for a JDAM strike. I carefully set the designator on the radio tower..... AND

:hotjump:...... No more Han OR Radio Station!
Now the entire PLA army is after us and we start to haul ass to our extraction point, 2km away. We get there mostly undisturbed. There was one point where we were ambushed by 8 PLA soldiers, but we took cover and avoided them before they saw us, We reach the beach, get thanked, and extract.