The Video Game Thread

Post #1000 in this topic :lol:

MGS Peace Walker demo is SWEET. Now downloading the GH Van Halen demo and the demo for Army of 2 : The 40th Day (which I have VERY low hopes for :lol: )
Diddy and Dave? :lol:

Got Borderlands and the AC/DC Rock Band Track Pack today. Waiting till Christmas for them though.
FFVIII is available on the PSN Store.
I've heard mixed reviews.... Anyone here wanna share their opinion?
FFVIII is epic, don't stand any other opinion because its bollocks

EDIT: I'll go more in-depth on that since I was on the phone whilt typing the original post - Final Fantasy VIII in't as good as VII, very few things are, but saying that it was a worthy followup. The junction sytem is mindblogging at first, but after that everything is a piece of piss and its certainly one of the better FF games that came out on PSone.

To be honest I shouldn't even be saying this, it's FFVIII. Get it.