The Video Game Thread

Call of Duty : Modern Warfare 2 took 3 1/2 days of total playtime to do what took CoD4 16 days to accomplish..... piss me off to the point where I no longer want to play it. :lol:

Also, MAG is immensely better.

Oh, and fuck Activision.
:OMG: I'm officially scared now. Hangar 18 is a personal demon of mine from GH2, AND IT MUST BE CONQUERED ON ROCK BAND! :heh:
:OMG: I'm officially scared now. Hangar 18 is a personal demon of mine from GH2, AND IT MUST BE CONQUERED ON ROCK BAND! :heh:

It's pretty likely to be different, as the games are made by different companies. So what would be worse, if it's harder on RB than GH2, or if it's so easy it becomes pointless?

Just out of curiosity...
That's lame as a duck mate :(

WKC looks pretty fierce, shame it's PS3 only :( Cunting Sony bastards!
Just buy a PS3. :D

Downloading, through means I shan't post here, the HEAVY RAIN DEMO. Will post back later with mini-review! :D
My little mini Heavy Rain demo review :

After about two hours of downloading and 5 minutes of install time, my Heavy Rain demo was ready to be played. First, a trailer. Emotionall piano music playing in the background and a disturbing scene where a man must a make a choice. His finger? Or his son?
Other scenes play and the music gets more fast paced, revealing little parts of each characters story. The trailer ends with a question..... How far will you go to save someone you love?

Oh by the way, this game looks incredible. Graphics that are better than Metal Gear Solid 4 AND Uncharted 2.

After a quick tutorial in which I take control of a middle aged cop and walked down an alley :lol: , I came to an apartment complex. Looking for Lauren Winter, I asked the clerk, got her room number, and headed upstairs. Gently knocking on the door, she answers and obviously doesn't want to talk to me. I knock again, she opens the door and I notice shes in her underwear and a robe. "$50. 10 minutes" she says. :lol: She then tells me to leave the money on the table and walks to the bed, but instead I walk over to her side of the room. "You should really take your clothes off, we haven't got all night:. I then explain to her that I'm a Private Eye looking to find info on her son, who was murdered recently by the enigmatic "Origami Killer". It takes some convincing, but she eventually opens up and I get the info I wanted. (Quick note, when I played through a second time, I tried to buy her info instead of convincing her...... yeah she got pissed and yelled, so I left :lol: ).

She tells me about how she has to be a prostitute because she can't get a job, and needs the money. Her son never saw her with a client, and she thinks the world of him. He gets into fights a school every once in a while because other kids call his mom a whore. He seemed like a good kid, and her a good mother. His dad, was a "fucking loser and a coward" who fucked her, and disappeared basically. This rules out possible clients and the dad as suspects.

I thank her for her time, leave her my card and leave.

Upon leaving, I have an asthma attack. Fumbling through your pockets in a video game has never been so riveting. :lol: I think thake a few puffs and regain my composure. I noticed a big guy banging on Laurens door and forces his way in. She yells at him to get out and to stop. So me, being the superhero inspired person I am, decide to intervene. I knock on the door quietly (which made me laugh :lol: ), then bang on it, then pound on it. He finally opens telling me to get the fuck away and calles me an asshole. Lauren is layin on the floor. which I noticed as he slammed the door in my face. I kick down the door, and a fight breaks out between me and the rapist.

The fight, which has MANY twists and turns, takes place all over her room. I smash him into the wall, dodge some punches, get thrown against the stove, disarm him after her grabs a bottle, punch him a few times, break his grip after he pins me against the table, knee him in the ribs a few times, push him away, punch him a few times in the face, and he eventually runs off. Lauren thanks me and I give her the "Don't worry about it, it was the right thing to do" look as I leave the apartment.

The second level was a dark dreary level in which we take control of Jayden. A cop who has just kicked his drug habit. We get to explore a rainy crime scene in the dark, for a bit, then I start 'splorin. :lol:

I find some evidence, but nonthing substantial. I make my way back to the crime scene, and find the Lieutenant in charge of the scene. He seems very annoyed by my presence and the presence of everyone else for that matter. :lol:
After a quick walk and talk with him, I decide to investigate the body.
I grab some evidence and notice that this is indeed the work of the Origami Killer. Satisfied with my work, I depart from the scene in my black sportscar.

This game is incredible. I was breathless after the fight scene in the apartment! The characters are so likeable and well voiced, it really does give them the feel of actual people. The graphics, as I said earlier are MINDBLOWING. The music is creepy when it needs it be, and fast paced at other times, providing a great soundtrack to the scenes I played. Controls are a bit odd, and everything is done with Quick Time Events so there'll be ALOT of people complaining about this game. :lol:

Overall, if the full game is this incredible, I may just have a new favorite game of all time. O.o
Nice review Keenan, havent played the demo yet. Anybody else gonna get AvP for the PS3? it comes out this week.:kickass:
I tried the demo, but failed to find anyone :(

BioShock 2 is......okaaaay..... Rapture is one of the coolest places I've ever been in a video game though.
The Demo had some problems matchmaking, the changed it, and updated it. the new one is better off. you can create games and so on. I thought it was great, Ive played all races and its pretty balanced except for the predator disc. Everybody has their way of surviving. However the first time you get on it, prepare to be killed, it takes some time to adjust. Just like any game I guess. haha

Reviews have been good so far, they say that the marine campaign is the best one of the 3, not that the others are crap its ust that the narrative is better apparently. and Lance Henriksen is there as bishop once again. That is just pure win. You should all get it. :D even for PC or Xbox.