The Vinyl/Collector's Thread

That pagan altar looks badass. Where did you find it? id love to own Volume 1 on vinyl.

That Himan Waste LP sounds sick. If red is still available when I get to work ill probably order it.
Oh and I'm waiting on Vexovoid. According to portal's facebook, the limited colored black/blue marble will be released by profound lore next week.
Eh. Maybe I'll look for a sample and decide from there. Kadavar is one of my least favorite retro bands. Speaking of which, just grabbed Hisingen Blues on green vinyl and witchcraft - legend on Brown and gold splatter.
Eh. Maybe I'll look for a sample and decide from there. Kadavar is one of my least favorite retro bands. Speaking of which, just grabbed Hisingen Blues on green vinyl and witchcraft - legend on Brown and gold splatter.

Yeah that Graveyard album is a beast. I was really pleased with Kadavar, definitely picking this one up. Thanks for the heads up.

Nuclear War Now records...:rock:

Damn, they dont have Vol. 1 :(
Pre-ordered the new Kadavar and Orchid.

I wanted to get that Human Waste vinyl, but fuck man, that Orchid album looks sick as hell and I have nothing but good things to say about the band, so itll be worth it. I know what to expect from Human Waste and can get it at a later time if I still want it.
That orchid album is an investment too. It's the limited first press US only version and actually looks better than all the euro versions. Human waste has been pressed before and just won't hold the value, if you want to look at it that way.

This place is really expensive but they import the super limited vinyls. I decided against getting 333 from Germany when I realized it would cost about the same from there to get the uber limited purple.
Yeah that place is stoner vinyl heaven. I've been wanting to order the new wo fat album on yellow from them for weeks, it's just other shit is catching my attention....I really should jump on it soon because that was my favorite stoner album of last year.
I've bought a bunch of vinyl lately after going on a silent streak. Also picked up Hour of 13 - Lucky Bones/Razorrock Tapes on clear red wax.

I'm really impatiently waiting on this one because I cant even find mp3s of Razorrock Tapes. There's one single track on youtube out of 8. It's the band playing deathrock, supposedly. No cd version exists.
I'm still debating with myself whether I want to start collecting or not. I want to do it just to have that physical real copy of the music with the large print art. While price can certainly be a concern, the larger one is simply that some albums don't exist on vinyl. If I want to have a full collection and something doesn't exist... I'll be downloading it anyway. You then see the fallback of CDs- really what's the point in that because you're just going to rip to MP3 anyway...

Subterranean Masquerade - Home 7 inch , "orange vinyl" (turned out more gold) limited to 100.
Well I am waiting on a few things to arrive.

Carcass- Necroticism Its that FDR reissue that just came out.
Agalloch- Pale Folklore The new repress of that one.
Amorphis- Circle new album on bone vinyl.

Recently bought
Sacramentum- Far Away from the Sun
Suffocation- Suffocation
Suffocation- Pinnacle of Bedlam
Ceremonial Oath- The Book of Truth