I just like to surround myself with things I like, honestly. I'm not expecting an afterlife so anything I want/enjoy I figure I should get while I can.
I don't know, I have like 500 cds sitting in my basement for the last 4 years, and I have probably spent 5k at least on those, and they never move until the one day i'm sick of them and put them on eBay.
Yeah, i just bought a split on Discogs that they did with some other band, went back and checked HHR and it was there - i picked up the red LP. Pretty damn stoked.
Yeah but atleast you get a cd with the record...Doesnt seem like too bad of a deal to me.
The First & Second repress looks pretty cool too but Im not too big of a Baroness fan...
As a side note, Im also going to Amoeba in LA this weekend. Got a $100 giftcard from my lady so im pretty stoked.
If any of you fuckers have never been to one of these stores and are in California, make a priority that you go. Fucking awesome.
I've got a couple kylesa lps I'd like to sell. Only opened to check color, which was wrong. Time will fuse its worth and to walk a middle course, both black.
Does anyone have a clue if some US distributors are going to be picking up some of the new Procession LP's, or is it best to bite the bullet and to play the safe route and order from their over seas distribution?
Just bought Uncle Acid's Posion Apple off Hells Headbangers. Stoked as shit, because I thought I missed my chance at getting this one, especially at a decent price.