The Vinyl/Collector's Thread

As I started checking them out a emergency came up w my lady and I had to leave work...As far as I got was seeing that my color of choice (purple) was sold out...I'm praying to the stoner gods to have shit still available when I get bak home.
Ordered this on Friday:


Even if you aren't a fan of their newer material, you gotta admit that looks sweet as hell.
since this says vinyl/"collector's" thread i might as well mention that Grand Belial's Key's full length discog was reissued on cassette. i just ordered Judeobeast Assassination and Mocking the Philanthropist.
Anyone here like Circle of Dead Children? Willowtip has Psalm of the Grand Destroyer, 180 gram black (the only press I'm aware of) for $8 and free shipping. Couldn't pass that up.
Love CoDC and thats a great fucking deal.

Howeverrrrrr, I dont really have any interest of owning Vinyl in that style, as much as I love it.

Interesting you should say that. Anyone else have certain 'sounds' or genres they prefer to own something on vinyl for?
Never heard of them. What do they play?

It's deathgrind.

And I kinda understand as I don't buy much death metal vinyl myself but that's a case I just couldn't pass up.

I really like my retro rock and occult/doom/stoner type stuff on vinyl but I also like artsy black metal like oranssi pazuzu and a forest of stars.
Interesting you should say that. Anyone else have certain 'sounds' or genres they prefer to own something on vinyl for?

It's deathgrind.

And I kinda understand as I don't buy much death metal vinyl myself but that's a case I just couldn't pass up.

I really like my retro rock and occult/doom/stoner type stuff on vinyl but I also like artsy black metal like oranssi pazuzu and a forest of stars.

This pretty much sums it up.

Mainly Stoner/Doom/Metal and Black Metal ie; (post-black/atmospheric/hipster shit).

The third case is collectables. Albums that are fucking timeless and untouchable to me, which can stretch into any genre.
I'm going to rip all my cds to lossless and then sell them, I think. I'll sell the CD player as well.
good call. If it's worth owning a physical product, it's worth having on vinyl. Good luck selling the cd's though... store's aren't interested in them anymore, but they will buy cool ones
Yeah I was thinking of ebaying them. It's not looking good though. Should have done this a couple of years ago. Still, I need the space, so they can go unless they wont sell. If if make £1 on each, that should be about £300, which is enough for some really nice speakers or an asus xonar sound card, but not quite both.