oh thats mad! yeah they're awesome, i felt so bad for them though because at the end of the syd show they were just sitting there talking amongst themselves after opeth had finished playing and there were 2 merch lines, one for the eternal and one for opeth, needless to say no1 was lined up in the eternal one. i wanted to go up to the guys and tell them that they were awesome but they just looked so inimidating! and btw i got half the drummers stik from hwen he did a solo
Moonlapse said:
haha, I remember that. Wasn't it more along the lines of 'fuck you guys! I'm a fanboy too, HA HA!

yeah something like that haha, i was trying to keep it clean for the kiddies!

in absentia said:
i wanted to go up to the guys and tell them that they were awesome but they just looked so inimidating!

na, u should have deffinately gone and spoken to them. they are really nice guys and im sure appreciate you telling them that you liked their set
i saw one of the haug's, cant remember which one as they both look so similar, both before and after. he was showing peter around town before melb 1, and after melb 2 we tried to get backstage and asked him but he said to wait outside the service door, so we did!
yeah i was the first one to get ther at the syd show so i was waiting on a couch on my ass for like 9hours b4 we had to line up and around 4 i heard someone doing sound check so i went up to the doors to listen and this couple told me they had met mikeal and per at utopia just an hour ago and they got fotos. i was devastated... they were shopping at utopia and i was sitting on a stupid bloody couch and i cudve met them!... i almost burst out in tears.. but then i found my mind
Moonlapse said:
Haha, you're gonna milk that night for all it's worth aren't you?

Think back man... as soon as they played those opening notes to TNATSW... you just KNEW you were part of history

Without question. i don't think enough fans realise how monumental that night was. as far as im concerned, it was their defining moment
yeah i think so, but dont quote me on that, they might have played it once or twice when touring for morningrise. oh and btw, u prob should edit the FAQ to say that they played TNASW at melb 2 under the "why dont they play TNASW!!!"
I should probably tell you guys, Samsara and I just got given an email by Anna saying that small clips from live gigs are allowed, but whole songs and shows are a no-no... so expect anything like that to be deleted straight up.