The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Frets on Fire is a free, pc version of Guitar Hero. The differences are:
1) moddable.
2) don't have to buy a £50 controller
3) still compatible with said controller should you wish
4) has potentially unlimited numbers of songs.
and 5) you can get metal on it. Lots of metal. Unlike faggoty bands like Dragonforce or overplayed old-school thrash.
Frets on Fire is a free, pc version of Guitar Hero. The differences are:
1) moddable.
2) don't have to buy a £50 controller
3) still compatible with said controller should you wish
4) has potentially unlimited numbers of songs.

and 5) you can get metal on it. Lots of metal. Unlike faggoty bands like Dragonforce or overplayed old-school thrash.

This forum comes equipped with a wonderful

EDIT: How's that for some uber l33t forum skillz.
Coke is shite. Maketh me not repeat myself again.

Also, editing is for people who can be bothered to click on the little button. Besides, sometimes something has to be isolated for greater impact.