The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Nothing(bored and dead inside), me so alone, me alone for to many weeks.

me so lonely.
doin an all nighter in order to finish coursework for tommorow (later today really) as I break up from school soon.

I HATE doing this but I have to.
Trying to get the effort to stand up and change.
Had a dream about velociraptors.
Never give them your email address apparently. You'll get spam.
And fuck women. The velociraptor was originally a normal guy (See the lizardbloke in Spiderman presumably.) and his girlfriend was with us. She was all "NO! DONT KILL HIM! I CAN STILL SEE ITS HIM IN HIS EYES". Unfortunately she didnt die before I woke up :(
I had a dream too. I was on vacation on a beach somewhere and there were people all over and the beach wasn't the sandy one type, there were small rocks often. The point is that I always accidentaly kicked the rock and it hitted someone lying there and tanning. But I didn't want to. It hitted some woman's head and her child too and I was really scared she'd be upset or something. Fucking nightmare.
Fighting to stay awake at work. I kinda wish I hadn't stayed up until 4 dicking around on the Internet last night.
Being furious at not being able to finish an argument I started for at least a week when I back to school.

The worst thing is I'm partly wrong though. The guy was doing the leftie argument that racism is discrimination against someone on skin colour, nationality, beliefs (wtf), religion and culture.

Now (retardedly enough considering someone from Germany for example, is of the same race as the average Brit) discriminating against someone because of their nationality is classed as racism in British law.

However, if you can convert to a lot of religions how the hell does it have anything to do with the concept of their being superior and inferior genetically different groups.

It sounds like someone wanted to sound fashionable and intelligent but they hadn't heard of concepts like xenophobia, Antisemitism , religious hatred and so on.

There really should be a separate definition and term for discriminating against a specific nationality as well (maybe there is idk tbh).