The what's going on in Thrash thread

There is an ad that just showed on FB and I can't find it linked on Hatriot's own page, saying they are playing on April 19 with Vio-lence headlining. So I guess it shows they are still getting out there. The previous thing I found on their FB page was some videos which included a drum track from 7 months ago.
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There is an ad that just showed on FB and I can't find it linked on Hatriot's own page, saying they are playing on April 19 with Vio-lence headlining. So I guess it shows they are still getting out there. The previous thing I found on their FB page was some videos which included a drum track from 7 months ago.
Oh that should be a good show. I'm jealous.
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Oh that should be a good show. I'm jealous.

Looks like they are calling it the "straight jacket saturday slaughter". It appears there is a third band named Negative Sixxx and the gig is Oakland. But I still can't find anything on the band's FB page and they aren't even listing any upcoming gigs.
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Damn! What a show.
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Big picture :)

Ex-Annihilator Aaron Randall
Ex-Testament Greg Christian
Second album (available for preview on bandcamp).
It's not mind blowing so far but it's better than I thought it was going to be. In fact it's quite in your face.
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Word is that this week in Sydney Slayer played the best show they have here in years. Judas Priest were good (the videos on Blabber sort of go along with that but I don't know if it's bad sound recording or if Rob was struggling) but apparently Anthrax are not getting good reviews. In Brisbane they did okay, in Sydney Joey struggled and in Melbourne apparently he was terrible.

Apparently in honour of Ozzy and after he pulled out Frenzal Rhomb opened their set with Crazy Train. Hopefully someone got footage of that, a punk cover of Crazy Train ought to be worth seeing.
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Big picture :)

Ex-Annihilator Aaron Randall
Ex-Testament Greg Christian
Second album (available for preview on bandcamp).
It's not mind blowing so far but it's better than I thought it was going to be. In fact it's quite in your face.
How's the bass? is it audible? I'd really love Greg to be in something good. I haven't gotten into anything he's done since leaving.
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Word is that this week in Sydney Slayer played the best show they have here in years. Judas Priest were good (the videos on Blabber sort of go along with that but I don't know if it's bad sound recording or if Rob was struggling) but apparently Anthrax are not getting good reviews. In Brisbane they did okay, in Sydney Joey struggled and in Melbourne apparently he was terrible.

Apparently in honour of Ozzy and after he pulled out Frenzal Rhomb opened their set with Crazy Train. Hopefully someone got footage of that, a punk cover of Crazy Train ought to be worth seeing.
What did they say about Joey? I agree I'd love to hear a punk version of Crazy Train.
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I don't know Chronospere but other than that I'd be psyched for this show.

Chronosphere are pretty damn good, they've got three albums under their belt. From memory the first isn't that heavy but the second two are. I'd imagine getting fourth billing would only give them about 30 mins or so but it would be a good warm up for the crowd.
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Chronosphere are pretty damn good, they've got three albums under their belt. From memory the first isn't that heavy but the second two are. I'd imagine getting fourth billing would only give them about 30 mins or so but it would be a good warm up for the crowd.
Cool I'll have to look'em up on YT.
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How's the bass? is it audible? I'd really love Greg to be in something good. I haven't gotten into anything he's done since leaving.

The vocals overpower everything a bit, but it could be more that the vocal style stands out. The music does slow down in parts towards the end but while it's not as in your face as something like F&J's latest it's pretty full on.
I've only listened to it once and I'm not sure if the bandcamp stream isn't only 128kps (I'm pretty sure there is some limitations) and therefore the sound is not prefect but it's worth giving a listen. The drums probably do over power the bass a bit but again it could be a limitation of bandcamp because it is after all only a preview service, anything you buy from the site comes as better quality. I'm going to give it another go and decide if I can put up with the vocals, if I can I'll order it next time I do an amazon order. Not sure if there first album is on bandcamp but I might check that out to if it is.
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The vocals overpower everything a bit, but it could be more that the vocal style stands out. The music does slow down in parts towards the end but while it's not as in your face as something like F&J's latest it's pretty full on.
I've only listened to it once and I'm not sure if the bandcamp stream isn't only 128kps (I'm pretty sure there is some limitations) and therefore the sound is not prefect but it's worth giving a listen. The drums probably do over power the bass a bit but again it could be a limitation of bandcamp because it is after all only a preview service, anything you buy from the site comes as better quality. I'm going to give it another go and decide if I can put up with the vocals, if I can I'll order it next time I do an amazon order. Not sure if there first album is on bandcamp but I might check that out to if it is.
Sweet I'm really curious. Always rooting for Gregy!
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What did they say about Joey? I agree I'd love to hear a punk version of Crazy Train.

From what I hear he's getting progressively worse. His performance at Brisbane was ok but he didn't appear as powerful as he had been in previous visits. In Sydney apparently he was struggling through the set but looking tired and his voice was struggling to belt out all the words, I don't believe he'd forgotten them. And in Melbourne apparently the whole band were lacklustre and either appeared tired or like they didn't want to be there. Melbourne is usually a pretty good crowd, usually noted as one of the more active crowds to any metal show that makes it here, from what I heard the fans were really trying to get into it but the band just didn't seem to be feeling it. Anthrax don't have a great live reputation here, I don't know if they push themselves too hard, don't quite recover from the plane trip, or what it is but while there has been good shows they are nothing like what you see on the DVD's from other countries.

Interestingly enough Behemoth, not a band I'm familiar with, actually encouraged stage diving. Apparently it killed the vibe of the concert a bit because it took too long to get people on stage and control them but once it was organised it went off okay.
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Sweet I'm really curious. Always rooting for Gregy!

In one listen the one thing that really resonates with me is the vocals. They aren't bad, just different but I really need to listen to it again and try to focus more on the music, because I do think amongst the heaviness there is something good.
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One of the guys on the Anthrax forum went to the show, I'm asking what he thought of it.

From all his other reports I reckon he's probably going to give a glowing report, he usually seems to think they are perfect. He's the only one I know who rated Scott's spoken words shows better than average. The guys I know who went are into a lot heavier music, but they have also seen Anthrax every time they've made to Australia. And to be fair when people are speaking so highly of Judas Priest and Slayer it is going to be hard for Anthrax to get a high rating anyway.
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From what I hear he's getting progressively worse. His performance at Brisbane was ok but he didn't appear as powerful as he had been in previous visits. In Sydney apparently he was struggling through the set but looking tired and his voice was struggling to belt out all the words, I don't believe he'd forgotten them. And in Melbourne apparently the whole band were lacklustre and either appeared tired or like they didn't want to be there. Melbourne is usually a pretty good crowd, usually noted as one of the more active crowds to any metal show that makes it here, from what I heard the fans were really trying to get into it but the band just didn't seem to be feeling it. Anthrax don't have a great live reputation here, I don't know if they push themselves too hard, don't quite recover from the plane trip, or what it is but while there has been good shows they are nothing like what you see on the DVD's from other countries.

Interestingly enough Behemoth, not a band I'm familiar with, actually encouraged stage diving. Apparently it killed the vibe of the concert a bit because it took too long to get people on stage and control them but once it was organised it went off okay.
Well damn that sucks. I wonder if they just can't handle long flights. As you said they've sounded pretty good in other countries. for the most part.

Yeah the stage is so far away from the crowd nowadays it's not great for stage diving. Funny to hear it had to be organized lol. Cool that they did it though.
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Well damn that sucks. I wonder if they just can't handle long flights. As you said they've sounded pretty good in other countries. for the most part.

Yeah the stage is so far away from the crowd nowadays it's not great for stage diving. Funny to hear it had to be organized lol. Cool that they did it though.

When I have seen them they have been far from perfect but so few bands are these days. The Melbourne review was by far the worst which is unusual. But I also remember some reports from shows all around the world that Joey's far from what he used to be so it could be they are getting old too.

I wonder if organised stage diving is more dangerous than unorganised :)
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