The Whining and Bitching Thread

Personally I'm glad I went straight to college, since that's where I made the vast majority of the friends I have today. If I'd waited and fucked around after high school, even if it didn't deter me from getting back to school later, my life probably would've been pretty boring in comparison.
This is an experiment, I guess. It's also an outlet for the greys, should he need it. Whatever you wanna whine about - job, parents, spouse, kids, siblings, teachers, school, asshole on the street, whatever - do it here. This is a place for rants. Punctuation optional.

I'll go first.
So yesterday it came out that I was planning on spending a significant amount of money at a concert tomorrow - I hadn't been hiding this, btw. I'd been working for months to earn said money. My mom not only flips out because I want to spend a large amount of cash in a short time, which for some reason is a problem for her, but now she's talking about how I should get a part-time job. During the school year, mind you. I said to her, "have you seen my course load for next year? I'm taking all honors and 2 APs and like 8 fucking courses. Where is there time for a job?" She then tells me that she expects me to give up whatever remaining free time I would have - already almost none - to work a part time job. What I didn't say was that I don't call free time "free time," I call it "will-to-live." I've told her repeatedly that I have no problem getting a job over the summer or whatever, but during the school year there really isn't time.

Btw, am I being a spoiled asshole about this?

I don't see why she cares, or you care what she thinks, unless of course you got the money from her
After high school, i am planning on taking a year off, since in that year, me and my family are planning on moving to Australia, to live rest of our lives there, and for sure I'll be attending university in either Sydney or Melbourne.
That reason would be college. I agree with the sentiment - i'm fully willing to work and put money away for college - I'm actually planning on taking a year off after high school to do so - but during the school week...
A lot of my friends did this (it seems to be more common in Canada) and it's worked out for most of them. I'm glad I went straight into it but everyone's situation is different. My parents are paying most of my costs so I didn't need to save too much up. Either way I would recommend coming into it with some money saved, if only to buy food/alcohol/clothes/music while at college.
I'm not sure if I'm going to go straight into college or play on this prep baseball travel team for about a year. Dunno. My mom has been bitching at me to get a job too.
Man I fucking hate noobs. Especially when they're on my team in Starcraft. I was playing Heaven's Last Defense (which is fucking fun. Satan and his minions vs. heaven. It's really hard for both teams, but really fun.) and everyone on my team got their heroes killed (Gabriel, Uriel, etc., including Jesus Christ. Satan is a hero also, as well as certain demons and such.) and 3 of them left, leaving me (Uriel, the only person with a hero left, except not for long.) and Jesus (who had already lost his hero the fucking noob.) to basically hold them off for 15 minutes until God showed up, who is invincible and is pretty much an ensured win for the good guys. I usually play as Satan or on that team, but I wanted a change of pace... and we got fucking owned. The dude who played Jesus didn't even know how to defend the Throne worth a fuck. It was sad.
What I didn't say was that I don't call free time "free time," I call it "will-to-live." I've told her repeatedly that I have no problem getting a job over the summer or whatever, but during the school year there really isn't time.

I'm the same way but I'm in uni. I need my free time to stay sane -- I don't get how people can have double shift weekends and still do well with 5 classes spread over 5 days a week.