The Whining and Bitching Thread

Leavers piss me off so much in DotA. They ruin the fucking game.
Yeah, if anyone can feel my pain there, it's you. Leavers suck.
I'm the same way but I'm in uni. I need my free time to stay sane -- I don't get how people can have double shift weekends and still do well with 5 classes spread over 5 days a week.

Fucking amen. Although I do have a bit too much free time right now.
I wouldn't take a year off in between HS and college unless you really had a good reason to. Unless you can secure full-time work, or you have some productive activity that consumes a lot of time, I imagine you'd be bored a lot. Some sort of summer job should provide you with enough cash for personal expenses for the school year. Then there's always work study on top of that.

As for working while taking classes, a part time job that only takes ~10 hours a week should be easily managed. People tend to use the maximum allotted time to complete tasks, so working just fills some time that would probably be wasted anyway.
I hate my school.

For fourth period we have an hour and a half long class. Its fucking stupid because putting people through longer classes makes them more likely to skip and also we don't even need the last 10 minutes of every other class, if we made all other classes 10 minutes shorter we could just have 7 classes a day.

Its only a big problem on A days when I have an hour and a half (straight) of Science. And I sit in the front middle in front of the teachers desk because I got an E 3rd quarter. I decided to sit in the back because I hate my seat and the teacher said "go to the front" and I said "no" and then she said "go to the office" and I said "ok". I can't stay focussed if I can't have a little conversation with friends. Its fucking stupid because I take notes and do the warm up and do labs no matter where I sit. Also I sit near three girls, one of which is a huge bitch.

Maybe I'm thinking this way because of stress but I hate this system. You just work your way up to more work and then you die, fucking stupid. I'd rather live in a tribe in the rain forest where the only work I would do is hunt and build weapons.
In my old school we used to have 2 hour classes, ridiculously short recesses and lunch breaks, and a packed day from year 7 to the end of year 10. Quit bitching.

Now, I barely do any work. Heh.
I think I have every right since its the bitching thread.

I hate it when my mom says "what are you hiding" every time I close the browser when I'm on the computer and she comes in. I'm not hiding anything, Its just annoying when you watch everything I'm doing on the internet. Just because I close the door when I'm taking a shit doesn't mean I'm hiding anything I shouldn't be doing.

Also how my dad does his work in the computer room, I can't play music, he just uses a laptop anyway so he could easily work in his room, also there is less noise there.
Its one of the rules of life... if you close your browser when someone walks into the room, you're watching porn. Just like if you make a forum post claiming to have a girlfriend, she isn't real until you post a picture of her. Soon these you will learn , young padawan.

And you could, you know, get your own computer...
I don't have enough money, plus my parents wouldn't let me. But I might if the boarding school I might be going to in Costa Rica requires one.
Sometimes I wish I was normal even if it means not being (not to brag) more intelligent than some others. Its annoying reading a book and spacing out and having read 5 paragraphs but not getting the information out of it and having to re-read it. I know I could take pills but when I did I would feel constantly sick and I had trouble sleeping, and when I would take sleeping pills then I would feel tired the next day.

But whatever, I'm only doing bad in a couple of classes. My biggest issue is motivation.
Yeah, same. I'd rather do creative writing, but instead I'm analyzing Shakespeare. As if that hasn't been done before.
I don't see what is so great about shakespeare. Wow, he influenced some shitty movies. I personally think H.P. Lovecraft was a much better writer than him.
Really? I guess in whatever year you're in you would be restricted. Sadly, you can't really write about whatever you want until uni, unless you take creative writing for A-levels or whatever is the equivalent in the US of A. Not many places offered it, though, or I'd have gone for it like a flash...

...instead, I'm looking at Othello, Antony and Cleopatra, the Tempest, and Romeo and Juliet. At the same time. Now, I love the plays, and I think Mr. Shakespeare was a genius, but, FUCK, there's only so much my sanity can take.

He didn't just influence a few movies. He was a revolutionary in his time, one of the first to portray a black guy as anything other than an animalistic idiot. If you see one of his plays performed by a talented cast of actors... you'll understand why English courses worldwide love to suck his dick.
I think I would enjoy his stuff if I saw it instead of read it. Its pretty hard to enjoy a play from reading the script.
Yeah, I guess, but I generally don't like plays. Because you can't redo a scene to make it perfect, and also I find that movie actors are better. I saw a production of Chicago when I was in New York and it was pretty bad compared to the movie. None of the actors were in character.

I hate my age, I can't get a fucking job anywhere. I applied for a job at a movie theater which I probably won't get even though I'll be 15 in two months and old enough. Or at least I think I will be, the guys at the theater said I had to be 15 but they didn't sound sure and it didn't say how old I needed to be on the site.