The Whining and Bitching Thread

I wasn't targetting's just that whenever I read a couple posts in this thread it always seems to be the same thing.

I almost feel like I'm back in elementary school.

I sent this girl a letter that asked her if she loved me...she checked the NO option!...
Clearly, amirite? Why the fuck didn't I see this :rolleyes:

Sorry I simplified it in that way. I am always pissed with all that friend hypocrytic bullshit. As if they are too afraid of telling men the bitter truth. It would be more comfortable for me not to hear from the chick "let just be friends" line. Just say the truth god damn it!
Well I feel awkward that I'm gonna have to continue this "bitching about love-related shit" trend, but whatevs. :lol: Incoming story, homies.

So I asked the girl I like tonight, if she wanted to go to the prom in June with me. I mentioned to her, about how normally I'm not a big dance-goer, but it's Grad... so I think it'd be cool to go to. Now, I should feel fucking awesome, since she agreed (albeit with an "uhmmm, sure").

There is a problem though; she seemed a bit taken aback when I brought it up. And afterwards, she seemed significantly less talkative. Afterwards she mentioned about how she wasn't planning on going to the prom, because it was "sorta gay" (like me, she's not a big dance-goer at all).

But she agreed. So I don't really know what to think. I'm hoping I didn't awkward shit up for her... since I've had problems with that before (She caught wind back in September that I liked her, and ended up telling me she just wanted to remain friends... tbh, I've never really been able to recover from that, although I don't show it at school).

I'd feel like a massive fucking douche if it turns out I did make things awkward. :erk:
I wasn't targetting's just that whenever I read a couple posts in this thread it always seems to be the same thing.

I almost feel like I'm back in elementary school.

I sent this girl a letter that asked her if she loved me...she checked the NO option!...

reminds me of this friend I knew in high school who liked this girl that we both knew. so one day he goes up and sits next to her and gives her a letter. He asked her in the letter if she wanted to go out with him and check yes or no, and she checked no, he's sitting right next to her and he can't even ask her so he uses a piece of paper LOL
thats just it. Girls don't want male friends, then want a man to control (to a certain point) them because it makes them wildly wet when the male half shows his testosterone. why do you think women who are abused usually never leave the relationship? why do you think guys who are cocky and follow their rules (bad boys) get all the sweet pussy? Instead of being pussy yourself, be dick and slap a bitch every now and then(NOT PHYSCIALLY, BUT SOCIALLY/EMOTIONALLY). She'll drop to her knees in uncontrollable horny agony, because she wants to be fucked by a man. Not a woman with a penis. (MOST HOT BABES FOLLOW THIS, AND THE UGLY ONES ARE USUALLY DESPERATE BECAUSE WE LIVE IN A CRUEL SEX/PERFECT BODY CRAZED WORLD)

Speaking of female friends...

I'm not being nice anymore. Admittedly the one who's pissed me off isn't my friend, but a friend of a friend. But she's hell bent on being an ignorant bitch towards me, and somehow looking down on me even though I've done fuck all to her.

I try to be nice to her to make her feel more comfortable in the group. I get cold, menacing stares. I try to apologise for something I didn't even do, and I get 'no' in return. I stick up for her whenever the others are insulting her behind her back, and I berate another of my friends for using her as a sex toy and then complaining about it afterwards.

Guess what? No more. No more refering to her as 'tall Emma' (as our friend in common is also called Emma) - she's fat Emma now. No humouring her faux Goth imagery, it's pathetic scene cries for attention. No pretending that her musicial tastes are anything less then alternative pop. And no more words, from now on she's just going to get grunts and dismissive hand gestures.

I'm fucking fed up of stuck up bitches like her. And I'm not afraid to let her know just how little I respect her. I tried to be nice, I tried to be accepting, I tried to help her when everyone else is insulting her weight. But no, she took a disliking to me based purely on how I look. Well fuck you then. If your 'normal' friend can be my friend despite our huge differences, yet you can't, that makes you unbelievably shallow.

Oh, and my male friend isn't interested in anything bar squirting in your face. Stop trying to kiss him, he's got his back turned to you for a reason.

This girl I was actually in (unrequited) love with (at first sight) who left the college ages ago was in the station. We glared at each other and then when I was well past her I glanced back and she was doing the same and we both gave each other huge smiles.

Shit now what.