The Whining and Bitching Thread

I moved into my new apartment two days ago. Apparently the earliest Comcast will set up our cable service is the 16th... So yeah, if I'm not on a whole lot between now and then, that's why.
Maybe he doesn't have a lock on his room.

I know I don't.

We have locks, but no keys. For some reason, if we want them we'll have to have a surprise fire alarm with smoke grenades, which is a problem, because that means we'll be paying about £50 for the key. Each. Seems a bit stupid to me.:zombie:
My shelf thing, with 3 rows, just decided to collapse ontop of my 19" widescreen monitor and just basically cracking the case of all my cds.

fucking awesome!
We have locks, but no keys. For some reason, if we want them we'll have to have a surprise fire alarm with smoke grenades, which is a problem, because that means we'll be paying about £50 for the key. Each. Seems a bit stupid to me.:zombie:

So there is this awards assembly tomorrow, so I asked my mom if she could write a note saying I don't have to go. But she's being stupid and not doing it. So now I'm thinking about just skipping it without one.

*edit* I forgot to mention how you literally just sit there doing nothing. This will do nothing for me and is a waste of 2 whole hours. Also did I mention how uncomfortable the bleachers are? After every assembly you will have a flat ass.
So there is this awards assembly tomorrow, so I asked my mom if she could write a note saying I don't have to go. But she's being stupid and not doing it. So now I'm thinking about just skipping it without one.

*edit* I forgot to mention how you literally just sit there doing nothing. This will do nothing for me and is a waste of 2 whole hours. Also did I mention how uncomfortable the bleachers are? After every assembly you will have a flat ass.
I skipped that thing once. Turned out I won an award and missed receiving it :oops:. It's there own fault for scheduling it after the last day of school
I lost an hour and a fucking hour of my life to one of those cunts before. I hate awards ceremonys.
I went up for five seconds, then did nothing. And listened to a woman try and be fucking hip for twenty minutes
"I was on the train the other day listening to my IPOD. Yes. You can relate to that. And I was surprised by blahblahcuntshittingfuckingarsingblah".
I don't know what it was that angered me so much about that day.
Tomorrow, we are going to a school "trip", it is not a trip actually, it is a dance show, some of the students in my school are participating. So, i was planning on not going to school tomorrow, but my fuckin Math teacher assigned a test for tomorrow, and now i have to go. The thing is that, i hate goign to school trips, they are fuckin uninteresting and fuckin boring.
Meh, I didn't skip it. But it wasn't too bad, I had my mp3 player. :p

I was going skip our school trip with my friend, we had a great plan to escape from school, but my friend was afraid we would get caught. So we ended up going, and on the way to the trip, indescribable things happened that left my heart broken.
Yeah, man. Maybe because it's the first really hot day, but I don't even feel comfortable letting my cats outside. I'm just going to stay in all day, as well.

Thank God for central A/C.
It's supposed to get pretty warm here. But the sun hasn't come out yet and the bay is fogged in. I hope it burns off and warms up so I can take the boat down to Georgetown for dinner.