The Whining and Bitching Thread


:( girl I like has a boyfriend now. oh well. things were going too good for me in general.
So arrange an accident for him. Not complicated.

Internet here is slower than a retard reading A Brief History of Time. Took a couple of minutes just to load this page. Probably means some cunt somewhere in the building is downloading a shitload of files.
As far as I can tell that cunt is usually you, so suck it up.
FenriR must sacrifice himself.

How, exactly?

I suppose I could rig up some sort of pully system with a simplistic timer... a candle set to burn a rope... then tie myself to an altar... the rope burns, a knife swings down, and cuts out my heart.

but... who would dedicate the death to Satan? Tricky.

I shall have to experiment before this most unholy of attempts. I shall need a volunteer.
/cuts wrists
actually, it's just /wrists
slash wrists, see? Get it?

How, exactly?

I suppose I could rig up some sort of pully system with a simplistic timer... a candle set to burn a rope... then tie myself to an altar... the rope burns, a knife swings down, and cuts out my heart.

but... who would dedicate the death to Satan? Tricky.

I shall have to experiment before this most unholy of attempts. I shall need a volunteer.
You could speak the incantation before the timer goes off.
I recommend you experiment with the cunt that's using the interwebs now.

Some wanker 'borrowed' my DVD of Lord of War a month ago, and I just got it back. It's scratched up like hell, though, and doesn't play properly.

This is the third DVD its happened to. 300 and Serenity have also bitten the dust. I'm going to have to start locking away my DVDs when I'm not in my room.
I don't care about my 300 dvd, but if someone fucked with my copy of Serenity I'd shank 'em.

Btw, why don't you just lock your room?