The Whining and Bitching Thread

If I had a hoodie I would probably wear it in lighter weather than 40, but I don't, and I don't live in texas, so...
I hate winter. A lot, especially Maryland winter because it almost never snows, and if it does we only get a few inches.
Same with Maryland. Of course there aren't really any good hills to snowboard on where I live. I hate where I live. I used to live about 6 miles away from here then I moved to New Jersey and then moved back here. This place sucks balls. I live on a street of only a few houses off of a highway, we aren't connected to any other streets at all. My town is basically a jumble of houses and nothing. I spend most of my time in my house because the nearest woods are across the highway, and across a field, and they aren't very big anyway.
I'm sick of all this African American oppression. Ever since Black History Month all we have been doing in English class had to do with African American oppression. We read, Slam, To Kill A Mockingbird and Black Boy. Now we're reading A Raisin In The Sun (which is actually fucking stupid). And we did many drills and activities that had to do with their oppression. Now I have to a stupid work sheet on stories written by African Americans about their oppression. I just hate this being shoved in my face.


But in all seriousness, I agree. However, "Invisible Man" was my favorite book for that theme.
FUCKING SCHOOL CONNECTION IS BEING FUCKING SLOW! I tried to go on youtube but the videos take a fucking long time. FUCK
Internet here is slower than a retard reading A Brief History of Time. Took a couple of minutes just to load this page. Probably means some cunt somewhere in the building is downloading a shitload of files.