The Whining and Bitching Thread

Not sure what the actual temp was today, but it was fucking hot and humid and generally unpleasant. Took the SAT 2 then spent the rest of the day watching The Wire with the fan on.

Neptune Towers is teh rawk.
Neptune Towers is teh trip, tbh.
Started too late and finished too early.

More fucked up you mean?

It's fucking humid here. I can deal with extreme heat, or cold, but this is almost unbearable.
Worst night ever almost. Went to bed at 3, couldn't sleep at all (prob. too much caffeine, I admit), my AC is waaaaaay too loud to be conducive to sleep, and it's not cold at all. So it was like...a swamp in my room. AUGH.
I couldn't sleep last night either. Sometimes when I work too much, I'll go home and then I can't sleep because I'll be in this sleepy delirious state where I "dream" about being at work... Does that ever happen to anyone else, or am I just psycho?
I actually sleep well with a constant noise. It's when people are talking or whatever that bugs me. But a constant hum or something doesn't bug me; sometimes it even helps.
I prefer a noise like a fan blowing or something, because I have trouble falling asleep in complete silence. I also need it to be cold
Being a noise artist I am EXTREMELY FUCKING SENSITIVE to sound now, and have ridiculously good hearing/sound detection for some reason...kind of cool I guess, but the loud AC on all night just pissed me off because I became preoccupied with how it sounded instead of sleep. Didn't help that I drank like 4 cokes that night.