The work thread

I read it fairly easily, but then again I've been trained in the art of trying to read Hubster-posts without gouging my eyes out, so the standards may be awkward.
I read it fairly easily, but then again I've been trained in the art of trying to read Hubster-posts without gouging my eyes out, so the standards may be awkward.
One of these years he will get a Wii because he already owns a Gamecube and likes the fact that Gamecube games can be played on a Wii.

Thanks. I think that my own braindead state right now is more to blame than what he actually typed out. Sorry for being an ass, KMADD.
Damn, I could have taken my boat to work today, because I'm doing more yardwork at my boss's house, and he lives on the water. Too bad it's a rainy day.
I'm preparing myself for the biggest career overhaul ever. If I pull it off, it will be a dream come true, but I'm also shitting myself at the same time. Gulp.
Well , it's a possible 30% increase in my pay, and working for a different organisation. I've been with my current employer for 7 years, which is far too long in ol' corporate land, so I have to get my ass moving - change is good. Plus I feel like I've outgrown them, I can't learn anything new here and I feel a bit frustrated and static. Moving job after being here so long is a little nerve-wrecking because you get so used to your surroundings, the politics, the culture and processes/procedures.
Sorry being a hick from indiana doesn't help either im trying to take some professional development correspondence courses but when you work 10 to 12 hours a day with a 2 hour a day commute from indpls to Camp Atterbury you dont have a lot of time for yourself. Hopefully i can get caught up when take some leave at the end of this month. I really can use a promotion im probably one of the oldest E-4's in the military lol.
Two weeks ago I started my summer job. I'm working in Washington DC for an organization that my dad also works at. So we go in together and come home together. It's pretty awesome. My job entails updating the website with new info, and adding new pages, etc. I also had to do some video editing last week. It's been pretty easy so far, and great pay.

I also record bands in my home studio for pay, and I do some work for this guy who owns a DVD studio nearby.
I started helping out my boss in the kitchen yesterday. It turns out he's a world class chef who came over from Switzerland in the 70's and opened a fancy restaurant in New York City. He retired a couple years ago and bought the inn I'm working at, which is also a small restaurant.
I get to try to make something work using this bullshit today. I pretty much have no idea what I'm doing, but at least I'm not solely responsible for the project. So far I'm kinda just watching my coworker stumble around in the program, since she's more experienced with database software (though still pretty lost with this program), while I make occasional comments that suggest that I'm actually following what she's doing. Good times.
I start my job as a GAME MASTER tomorrow. I had the orientation today, and it seems like it'll be a pretty sweet gig. Real laid back and whatnot. I was already familiar with much of the staff there, and their mostly pretty cool and easy to get along with. The fact that I'm way, way into this one girl who works there [/sevag00] should also make the job a little more tolerable... or a lot worse. We'll see.