The work thread

I start my job as a GAME MASTER tomorrow. I had the orientation today, and it seems like it'll be a pretty sweet gig. Real laid back and whatnot. I was already familiar with much of the staff there, and their mostly pretty cool and easy to get along with. The fact that I'm way, way into this one girl who works there [/sevag00] should also make the job a little more tolerable... or a lot worse. We'll see.
I'm pretty much imagining you as this now
Make sure to wear a tshirt with a giant happy face when she's sick.

She is sick currently. I know this because she blamed me for he illness via text message.

What exactly does this even involve?

Enforcing the rules of ULTRAZONE during games. Pretty much standing in the arena and telling kids not to run or curse and whatnot.

I'm pretty much imagining you as this now

Yeah, that's pretty much it, actually. Only difference is they make you wear a blue polo over the armor. :erk:
Oh my fuck. Today sucked some nuts. Right at the lunch rush, one of if not THE main guy in the kitchen cut his finger really deep, almost off, and had to go to the hospital, which resulted in chaos in the kitchen and orders taking like 30 minutes to get out. Murphey's Law pwned my job today, in short.
Yeah, despite shit fucking up so bad at work today I enjoyed it. I want to go back and work some more. It really is an awesome job. I might have to deal with some shit, but I make some good money and the shit just kinda rolls off of me rather than pissing me off, unless of course the kitchen shits itself, and that like never happens.
I spent the day jack-hammering down about 60 lineal feet of a 12 inch semi-solid block retaining wall, loading it, and dumping it at a local recycling center. I'll be back at it first thing tomorrow morning, finishing what I started.
I yell at kids. :)

When we say "No running!", it's because you really shouldn't run in the arena. I learned this last night, during one of the staff games after closing. I got fucking slammed into.
Today I had training for my upcoming job as a day camp leader. The pay is shit, and I will probably get irritated with the kids plenty of times, but their is worse out there (like my last job as a mindless janitor at the local Toyota factory).
Holy shit guys, my job is so fucking easy. You have no idea.

There's an "all-nighter" tonight, and I'm working. The guys I'm working with are all cool, so it should be a fun night.
I'm a telecommunications technician. I wire up people's houses with phones, internet, cable tv, antennas etc. It's a good job, good money, and I'm not stuck in the same place every day which is nice.
So my job now is assisting the editorial department. What that means is doing all the boring filing and sending out the letters that say "we don't want to publish your book", along with whatever other lower level tasks they need done. It's not particularly fun and everyone I work with is at the very least 6 years older than me, but it's comfortable and the pay is great for a summer job. Can't complain.