The work thread

I only work three days this week. I'll probably be cleaning out the barn in preparation for the barn dance which will be on Thursday or Friday night, when I won't be here.
So that lock-in last night was pretty cool. Perhaps "lock in" isn't the right was to phrase it, as it only goes from 6:00 to midnight, but it is six hours of unlimited laser tag on a night when we're normally closed, so it's still fun.

Cool crew on staff, and the atmosphere was a lot more laid lack than usual (and usually it's pretty laid back). The only real issue was that for the lock ins, we let them play other laser tag formats (as opposed to the standard "lol shoot everyone and take bases!!!"), and it kept taking forever to explain the different formats to them so they didn't get in nearly as many games as they should have. But, everyone had fun so it's all good.
I just started a new job 6 weeks or so ago. I was working from home for 9 years, self employed. An opportunity came up that was too good to pass up (pay and still working from home, and get to learn advanced programming, rock). I was more a designer who could hack through code, but now this is more create code and do some design.

So far so good!
Haven't seen anything weird yet. Pregnancy is about as weird as it has gotten thus far.

I also started at 9 bucks an hour and I'm working almost full time this summer. BRING ON THE MONEY.
so I went to work today on 3 and a half hours sleep. fun fun!

Psh, that was pretty much my average during the school semester. Thankfully I've gotten that shit under control now.

I'm still interning at my company's I.T. department, and hopefully getting college credit for it over the summer. I'm liking it less and less actually, because they really don't give me shit to do. It's pretty awkward to spend half your time at work pretending you're busy, and wondering when somebody's eventually going to notice.
Psh, that was pretty much my average during the school semester. Thankfully I've gotten that shit under control now.

I'm still interning at my company's I.T. department, and hopefully getting college credit for it over the summer. I'm liking it less and less actually, because they really don't give me shit to do. It's pretty awkward to spend half your time at work pretending you're busy, and wondering when somebody's eventually going to notice.
haha I know just what you mean. I could go and tell my supervisor I'm finished or just pretend to be doing something for a while. Last year when I just had a repetitive task to do all day I developed the ability to listen to a podcast and work at a slow but constant pace without really noticing. That way I didn't burn through my work too fast and time went by rather quickly.
So, I went into work today at 9:30. The place opens at 4:00 but in the summer, camps can rent the place in the morning. We had a camp group of about 100 kids come in at 10:00 this morning, and they played six games (they split into three groups, so each played twice). The kids were pretty well behaved but some of the counselors were pieces of shit. Anyway, me and the two other guys who were working had the whole thing running pretty smoothly. The camp left at 12:00, and for the next four hours we had pretty much the sweetest work day ever.

This crew had come in and put new backs on all of the packs, fixed all the packs that were malfunctioning and updated some of the software (as in the computer system that runs the games). So, we spent four hours "testing" out the new packs and making sure the various game formats worked, as well as eating pizza and chilling in the office. All while on the clock.
I'm a telecommunications technician. I wire up people's houses with phones, internet, cable tv, antennas etc. It's a good job, good money, and I'm not stuck in the same place every day which is nice.

Agreed,it´s great to get to see some new places now and then instead of being trapped in the same place. The first year or so when i started as an electrician i worked for a company who only worked on construction sites. I got so sick of it i wanted to puke,but now on a power company i get to go around a lot. I´m often out in the woods doing service on power lines and stuff,really great.
Started work at the Cape Cod Times. Brutal commute and long hours but it's only 3 days a week.
They don't give me enough to do, so every day I spend a while sitting awkwardly hoping I look busy and generally feeling like an asshole.