The work thread

I really really like desk jobs and tutoring/teaching jobs. I can't stand running around all day trying to sell people things. I absolutely hate it. I wouldn't mind waitressing because of the tips. Unfortunately, the restaurants with big tippers are only hiring people that can work into the winter. Tis a shame.

I have a baby sitting gig on Sundays that pays really well, so I can't complain.

I would love to sit behind a desk all day, though.
I enjoy helping people/customer service...if someone's looking for something at the Walgreens I work at, I'll often walk around with them looking for it, and if it's not on the shelves I'll check the back and hand deliver it to them. This mainly stems from me being bored and way too nice though.

What town do you live in? I wasn't aware that many other people in this area listen to metal. :cool:

Whitehouse Station, but my parents and grandparents all grew up and live(d) in Manville. Cancer, which I can only assume came from the old factory, killed off my grandparents already but a lot of my mom's family (the Ciemnicky's) still live there. Maybe you knew my cousin, the girl who was murdered and severed on the train tracks a couple years ago.
Whitehouse Station, but my parents and grandparents all grew up and live(d) in Manville. Cancer, which I can only assume came from the old factory, killed off my grandparents already but a lot of my mom's family (the Ciemnicky's) still live there. Maybe you knew my cousin, the girl who was murdered and severed on the train tracks a couple years ago.

Weird. I'm starting a new job in Whitehouse Station on the 21st of this month.

I knew of your cousin but didn't really see her around and whatnot. Sorry something like that had to happen in your family.
That's usually the case when you quit school without completing high school.

I would rather have shitty jobs and nothing!. Fuck school

dude I got the shit beat out of me,etc... worst expirience of my life.
I would rather have shitty jobs and nothing!. Fuck school

dude I got the shit beat out of me,etc... worst expirience of my life.

Why were they beating you?

And by the way, judging by your muscular upper body displayed in your semi-erotic picture where you fondling an accoustic guitar, I don't understand how you couldn't defend yourself.
I enjoy helping people/customer service...if someone's looking for something at the Walgreens I work at, I'll often walk around with them looking for it, and if it's not on the shelves I'll check the back and hand deliver it to them. This mainly stems from me being bored and way too nice though.

I hate talking to customers. In fact, I would prefer not having to interact with a single person while I'm at work, including coworkers.