The work thread

So, I went into work today at 9:30. The place opens at 4:00 but in the summer, camps can rent the place in the morning. We had a camp group of about 100 kids come in at 10:00 this morning, and they played six games (they split into three groups, so each played twice). The kids were pretty well behaved but some of the counselors were pieces of shit. Anyway, me and the two other guys who were working had the whole thing running pretty smoothly. The camp left at 12:00, and for the next four hours we had pretty much the sweetest work day ever.

This crew had come in and put new backs on all of the packs, fixed all the packs that were malfunctioning and updated some of the software (as in the computer system that runs the games). So, we spent four hours "testing" out the new packs and making sure the various game formats worked, as well as eating pizza and chilling in the office. All while on the clock.

I want your job.
I spent today working six inches above an active underground bee hive. That was a bitch, but I was only bitten (not stung) a few times.
I just got a new job, at a tourist trap resteraunt called the Blue Eyed Crab. It's a nice place, not too expensive but not under twenty bucks a dish. Shit work though.
I'm currently baby sitting on Sundays, which brings in some pretty decent money. On Mondays - Saturdays I'm working in a gun store / hunting goods shop.
man! Iam searching for a job since 1 Month ago but
got nothing till now
Iam ready with school now (I attended my last year)
well the shit is that I cannot study cuz I did not get my exams..
that's so ridiculous..
If I just had learned more this year I had got my exams!! :err:
Fuck damnit.

I should go in the metal branche, merchandise etc. :lol::kickass:
I work for the state as of the moment. In a week and a half, I'm starting a new job where I'll be sitting in a little cubicle and don't have to deal with the public face to face anymore. I will finally have weekends off too, which is going to be nice. :)
You couldn't get an interview yourself?

I expect he didn't want to get an interview himself.

I work for the state as of the moment. In a week and a half, I'm starting a new job where I'll be sitting in a little cubicle and don't have to deal with the public face to face anymore. I will finally have weekends off too, which is going to be nice. :)

That's the kinda job i want. Where I don't have to deal with the public, and their faggoty problems.