The thread of joy and enjoyment!


Active Member
Nov 24, 2005
This thread is the opposite of the whining and bitching thread.

I love it when I get to take a piss in the shower. Infact, it is probably my second favorite thing to do in the shower (besides the reasons I'm in there). Masturbation in the shower is first.
Yeah, that was pretty much the point of this thread. But technically they aren't the love or hate thread. So they can't be locked.
I still don't see what the problem with the hate/love thread was. Almost everyone liked it.
Masturbation in the shower? I wish I had time for that.

I love that school is gonna be over soon. I love even more that the AP history test is next week, and that after that that class will consist of sitting around watching Saving Private Ryan.

I love that I've discovered that one of my best ideas ever - a porn version of youtube - exists.

I love that I got handed some random sampler at a show and all the bands on it are awesome.
Nay. This has sample vids, full vids, even dvd rips of movies, and it streams on the internet - no downloads. Free.
I would pee in the shower, but for some reason I can't get over the fact that piss would then be on my shower floor.

I piss in the ocean though. When you have a cooler of beer, it's a hell of a lot easier than walking to the john.
I like that I'm not getting as much homework anymore.

I like that we're just reviewing in Algebra.
I piss pretty much everywhere. I don't give a fuck, if I gotta take a fucking piss I'll take a fucking piss.
I pissed behind a record store once because they didn't have bathroom and I didn't feel like browsing the metal section with a full bladder.