The work thread

Why were they beating you?

And by the way, judging by your muscular upper body displayed in your semi-erotic picture where you fondling an accoustic guitar, I don't understand how you couldn't defend yourself.

I don't know and was a little kid. I know other people who have gotten shit also and don't even understand why. I could defend myself now. It's impossible to take interest in school and wanna go as a kid when the setting is horrible. It's mindblowing how a bunch of kids can be forced into setting with virtual no supervision. I was a kid and forwhatever reasons could not take emotional or psysical abuse and people should have done something about it and the samething goes for other people who have the same problem

I've worked on a ranch have been and dishwasher and a waiter which explains I have some upper body strength now. I'm still skinny and short it's just not a problem now.
I can cook, but I wouldn't go so far as to cook for anyone besides friends and family. Increased patronage = decreased quality.
I don't know and was a little kid. I know other people who have gotten shit also and don't even understand why. I could defend myself now. It's impossible to take interest in school and wanna go as a kid when the setting is horrible. It's mindblowing how a bunch of kids can be forced into setting with virtual no supervision. I was a kid and forwhatever reasons could not take emotional or psysical abuse and people should have done something about it and the samething goes for other people who have the same problem

I used to get crap at the beginning of my school year too, although it was never physical. The way I've always taken care of bullies is making myself as hard as possible to make fun of and never giving them a good reaction.
I can imagine doing it so often and for so long can get boring, at least for someone like me. And I get too anxious about making sure I'm pleasing the customers.
I used to get crap at the beginning of my school year too, although it was never physical. The way I've always taken care of bullies is making myself as hard as possible to make fun of and never giving them a good reaction.
This is basically what I did. The few times someone tried something I was so confused as to what they were doing that I didn't give a good response and they gave up.
Well, you have seen and hung out with me; I'm a pretty damn outgoing person.

Indeed. Thanks for keeping most of the conversation going during the weekend in Baltimore. :)

Course, I might have had more to say if the majority of discussion hadn't been about brutal death metal.
After being on a high school sports team all four years, I learned to put up with that shit, verbally and physically.

I never liked sports. I like playing them once in a while but I could never commit myself to a school team and come to practices. Plus I hate jocks. All the ones I have met were idiots/assholes. They used to spread stupid rumors about me doing drugs. They might still do it, but the couple of times they said shit to my face I showed them I wasn't going to take shit.
I enjoy helping people/customer service...if someone's looking for something at the Walgreens I work at, I'll often walk around with them looking for it, and if it's not on the shelves I'll check the back and hand deliver it to them. This mainly stems from me being bored and way too nice though.

I hate talking to customers. In fact, I would prefer not having to interact with a single person while I'm at work, including coworkers.

I used to really hate dealing with the public, too. It obviously wasn't a problem when I was washing dishes, but when I worked in a grocery store and when I was a waiter, it made things tough.

In my current job, though, I don't mind dealing with the customers at all (which is good since everything short of opening the place up and closing it down involves dealing the the public). I'm sure a lot of it has to do with customers seeing the game masters more as authority figures as opposed to customers service people. I haven't had to eject anyone yet, but I do remind the players that I reserve the right to do so at my discretion.
Normally I only play during staff games (I get my ass kicked), but on the very rare occasions when I find myself in a game with customers... Yeah, I do ok.

We're not allowed to come in first place when we play with customers, though, so we do have to take it kind of easy.
Your job is fucking awesome to be fair.

Yeah, I like it so far. The work isn't tough and everyone there is pretty cool.

Do you get a laser sniper rifle, and sit atop a tower shooting kids down?

There's a tower in there and I suppose I could stand up there with the remote. Just hit the warning button at fools and knock 1,000 points off their score.

Is it good pay, or just an ace job?

No, the pay isn't very good and it's tough to get a lot of hours. Aside from the managers, everyone else there is either a kid or has a second job. I actually get more hours than the rest of the staff because it's my only job (for now).

Again, it's an easy job and for the most part everyone is cool and easy to get along with. The biggest perk is getting to play laser tag or X-box (there's a room where customers can pay to play X-box) after hours with the staff.