The worst band of all time!

I just made up a joke.
Q:How do you get a goth chick to have sex with you?
A:Get down on your knees, paint your face and say "I'm Dani Filth" while talking like a rat.
If I stick to my principle that rap isn't music, I'd have to say Nu-Metal. The likes of Korn etc. I think the best word to describe their music would be porridge. Just pure angst rolled aroun some drop-d tuned guitars. Nirvana would also fall into the previous category. Popstars is also quite the horror, but then again it is a product that ought not to be confused with music.
Awww maaaan... Can't believe Mortician came up... They're by no means technical, and not one of my favorite bands, but I still really like them. They could do away with some of the repetetive blast-beats and replace them with more of those catchy, crunchy, rolling bang-your-head beats, but that's about it...

Off the top of my head for worst band would be Manson.... What I would give to just break that fool in half.... UGH:Puke:
Originally posted by tara
The vocalist is trying too hard to be like Kurt Cobain which is pretty damn sad. Actually, most of the bands in this "new wave" of rock totally suck just because they are piss poor rip-offs of bands like The Buzzcocks, Sonic Youth, The Rolling Stones, Nirvana, etc.
Unfortunatly we live in a time where you more or less HAVE to rip off other people's work to sell records! Sad but true like Metallica said!
@ BasilisK 3 7 77: I have the same birthday as Rob Lumbre. :)

I'd go with the Sex Pistols. Actually, most punk in general. Alot of the boy bands and rap in general.
I think, such topics are some kinda stupid. You cannot judge objective about subjective topics. And prophesized doom, you're just about the limit... you use arguments, which don't even have to do anything with the music itself (uh... dani filth is gay, and that's why cradle make bad music) :lol:
Originally posted by ImpamiizGraa
Mortician - simplistic downtuned riffs just for the sake of heaviness, songs that are mostly horror movie intros with about 1 minute of actual music, a horrifically programmed drum machine....yeah, these guys are fucking great :rolleyes:

I completely agree...Skinless are another waste of time in the same league with these clowns...
Originally posted by _A_SCARLET_SUNSET_
(uh... dani filth is gay, and that's why cradle make bad music) :lol:

I pointed this out before, but then someone came to embrace his faggotry so I had to be a proper Gay-Basher and bash the Gaylord's minion of pillow biting.

In this case, I royally present ownage in every form over him.

And Basilisk, the reason Mortician has repetitive blast beats is because they have a drum machine because they suck so much that no one wants to be their drummer.

Still doesn't make them worse than Cradle of Faggotry.
Didn't this thread say worst band...metal or non-metal ?......I can't believe you guys would waste time ripping on CoF instead of finding other ways to vent. My vote is a tie between Barenaked Ladies & Matchbox 20. BL is a bunch of overhappy crap with nonsensical lyrics rattled off in a nursery rhyme fashion. As for M20, Rob T's voice makes me sick and the music is the most non-unique crap ever written. Other bands that make me hurl: New Found Glory, Tonic, Staind, Flaw, Crazy Town, Thursday, The Strokes, The Vines, Killswitch Engage, Down the Sun, Phish, Linkin Park, Papa Roach, Skrape...I'm getting too pissed off that I'm wasting time on this...

Oh yeah--and just to piss people off...I like Sum 41 and have seen them live...and the guitarist played a Slayer riff & a Sepultura riff.:lol:
in think it is unfair to include non-metal bands in this discussion, this is a metal foprrum, and i would like to say about metal

a/ COf arnt that bad, there not my fav band but i repect them cos they are good at wat they, they are the best goth/dark metal band ever i rekon and i liek a few songs even tho aint a hardcore band

b/ i liek wat i am seeing, i am 14 and at my school i am a weirdo cos everyone is either a pop fan or a nupmetal fan, me i am 70's rock/metal and 80's glam metal, so i am glad to see i am not alone

c/ i think the following are the worst abnds:
1- korn
2 - Slipknot (how could no one mention them)
3 - limp bizkit
4 - mudvayne
5 - nin

that my op anyway

:rock: :rock:long live tru metal :rock: :rock:
Originally posted by tara
The vocalist is trying too hard to be like Kurt Cobain which is pretty damn sad. Actually, most of the bands in this "new wave" of rock totally suck just because they are piss poor rip-offs of bands like The Buzzcocks, Sonic Youth, The Rolling Stones, Nirvana, etc.

Agreed :cool: it's pretty damn pathetic already:spin: