The worst band of all time!

Originally posted by BasilisK 3 7 77
Awww maaaan... Can't believe Mortician came up... They're by no means technical, and not one of my favorite bands, but I still really like them. They could do away with some of the repetetive blast-beats and replace them with more of those catchy, crunchy, rolling bang-your-head beats, but that's about it...

Off the top of my head for worst band would be Manson.... What I would give to just break that fool in half.... UGH:Puke:

They could do away with a lot of stuff BUT thats just my opinion :D

And you happen to very right about Manson..he is just fucking nasty:ill:

Another really horrible band is Slipknot!!
one kid said NIN....


i think the worst metal band would probably have to be static x....that shit is just annoying...i least slipknot are good in a way....but static x just suck...and some of you might see it the other way around but i dont so :p

anyway...the worse band of i dont know
sure why not...i used to listen to them and look where i am now...i abandoned them and now i listen to the most greatest real metal you could imagine...

but the point is...they got me into it...along with cradle of filth...

gotta start somewhere ;)
damn right! I'll agree with the Static X statement though. I like their debut; it's original and catchy, but the latest CD, Machine, is one of the worst pieces of shit i've ever heard.
Fuck.I thought Machine was the better album released by a band i normaly despise.If only he would lose his gay "static hair".I just want to punch him in fucking head when i see their videos.
there are so many bad bands out there, I say any band that is derivative, and adds nothing new to the genre, or has rather lackluster musical, or songwriting abilities. I think this classification covers about every popular metal band in America, and most power metal bands- ive noticed a grwoing number of shitty black metal bands these days as well
Originally posted by prince_of_darkness54321
in think it is unfair to include non-metal bands in this discussion, this is a metal foprrum, and i would like to say about metal

a/ COf arnt that bad, there not my fav band but i repect them cos they are good at wat they, they are the best goth/dark metal band ever i rekon and i liek a few songs even tho aint a hardcore band

b/ i liek wat i am seeing, i am 14 and at my school i am a weirdo cos everyone is either a pop fan or a nupmetal fan, me i am 70's rock/metal and 80's glam metal, so i am glad to see i am not alone

c/ i think the following are the worst abnds:
1- korn
2 - Slipknot (how could no one mention them)
3 - limp bizkit
4 - mudvayne
5 - nin

that my op anyway

:rock: :rock:long live tru metal :rock: :rock:

cna yuo ues splel chcek?


Anyway that was hypocritical "I think it's unfair to use metal bands" and who're you're top 5 worst bands? Non-metal bands.

And the thing is CoF are that bad. I feel like I'm being redundant in having to explain why they suck, so just refer to my last post and comprehend it.

Also they're not Dark Metal whatsoever, they have no likeness in sound to Bethlehem (band that coined this term) whatsoever. They're a bunch of gothic fag's and personally I'd like to meet Dani Filth for the sole purpose of smashing his ego.
I'd like to add the comment that many of you are mixed up on what metal is.

Slipknot = Mallcore
Static-X = Mallcore
NIN = Industrial (garbage)
Linkin Park = Rap (yes, just rap)
and any other band labeled "Nu-Metal" is not metal, but most likely a part of another genre considering that Nu-Metal is not metal.

This was an announcement from one of your local (forum-wise) metal-heads who know what metal is. Thank you and have a very nice day.
Originally posted by Nocturnal Emperor
burzum and mayhem are absolute shite i really dont understand why they are soo overated also mortician are even worse.

P.S cradle of filth rock

The entire Black Metal genre is overrated. Most of it is under-produced redudnat garbage with psuedo-intellectual lyrics that mean just plain nothing.
Originally posted by Triumphant Apostle
Originally posted by ImpamiizGraa
Mortician - simplistic downtuned riffs just for the sake of heaviness, songs that are mostly horror movie intros with about 1 minute of actual music, a horrifically programmed drum machine....yeah, these guys are fucking great :rolleyes:

I completely agree...Skinless are another waste of time in the same league with these clowns...

LOL you're fucking down with some Dio and SKINLESS are the waste of time? Come the fuck on...Skinless slay.
Euronymous-era Mayhem: That's just crap... Probably the most overrated shit there exists.
Burzum: Varg never knew how to make music, no matter how many people he killed, that never changed.

I hate tr00 people who praise these talentless clowns.