The worst band of all time!

Originally posted by Voice of God
Euronymous-era Mayhem: That's just crap... Probably the most overrated shit there exists.
Burzum: Varg never knew how to make music, no matter how many people he killed, that never changed.

I hate tr00 people who praise these talentless clowns.

I completely agree with the part about Mayhem..I'll take A Grand Declaration of War over De Mysteriis, Deathcrush, etc any day..
I think Burzum or varg fucked up with the casio keyboard music- and well all of his shit was simplistic anyway- I think Mayhem has the worst singer in Black metal, but I rather like the Euronymous era- some good riffs
I think Burzum or varg fucked up with the casio keyboard music- and well all of his shit was simplistic anyway- I think Mayhem has the worst singer in Black metal, but I rather like the Euronymous era- some good riffs
What is wrong with you lot. Why all the hate? If you don't like certain bands then don't listen to them. Hateing them is a waste of energy.

Childish insults about sexuality are really moronic. I'm from England so i'm sure that makes me gay by default I assume.

ProphesizedDoom really is a very unpleasant person. You need serious help. Why do you come on these boards? Does it boost your ego to put everyone and everything down? Like you are you so fucking gifted.
Originally posted by apex nemesis
What is wrong with you lot. Why all the hate? If you don't like certain bands then don't listen to them. Hateing them is a waste of energy.

Man you're so metal, PEACE AND LOVE! Come on give me a hug!

Childish insults about sexuality are really moronic. I'm from England so i'm sure that makes me gay by default I assume.

Answer me these questions three and then we'll determine your faggotry.

1) Do you like Elton John?
2) Do you find yourself refering to cigarette's as "fags"
3) If #2 applies have you ever said "Mind you. can you set my fag aflame mate?"

ProphesizedDoom really is a very unpleasant person. You need serious help. Why do you come on these boards? Does it boost your ego to put everyone and everything down? Like you are you so fucking gifted.

Actually it's quite funny watching half of you try to out smart me with invalied argument. If you could see me laughing my as off behind this screen when I read half this shit you'd know I enjoy putting some people in their place.

But really, I come here for 1 thing, entertainment.

Also no it doesn't boost my ego, and you saying that doesn't scythe it either. Trust me, I don't need an online forum to boost my self-esteem unlike half of you.

And yes, I actually am considered "gifted" if you wanted to know. How I'm not going to explain, half of you would just ignore it pushing it aside as "online bragging" anyway.
Originally posted by Soilent Goat
I completely agree with the part about Mayhem..I'll take A Grand Declaration of War over De Mysteriis, Deathcrush, etc any day..

I would too, but honestly. I just wish Maniac could've written his own lyrics.....
Man you're so metal, PEACE AND LOVE! Come on give me a hug!

Being 'metal' doesn't mean you have to act like a twat towards other metal fans. You obviously have a distorted view of what it is to be a metal fan. I just don't see the appeal of coming on here to do bitch at everything. If it gets you off then fair enough I guess.

Anyway i'm so metal I ejaculate mercury! (not Freddy Mercury)
Originally posted by ProphesizedDoom
Man you're so metal, PEACE AND LOVE! Come on give me a hug!

Answer me these questions three and then we'll determine your faggotry.

1) Do you like Elton John?
2) Do you find yourself refering to cigarette's as "fags"
3) If #2 applies have you ever said "Mind you. can you set my fag aflame mate?"

Actually it's quite funny watching half of you try to out smart me with invalied argument. If you could see me laughing my as off behind this screen when I read half this shit you'd know I enjoy putting some people in their place.

But really, I come here for 1 thing, entertainment.

Also no it doesn't boost my ego, and you saying that doesn't scythe it either. Trust me, I don't need an online forum to boost my self-esteem unlike half of you.

And yes, I actually am considered "gifted" if you wanted to know. How I'm not going to explain, half of you would just ignore it pushing it aside as "online bragging" anyway.

Well done. You managed to show yourself up as a homophobic, assless, arrogant, illiterate fool. :rolleyes:
:lol: :lol: Can't you guys see the humor behind Doom's posts? hahaha :lol: guys quit being so serious if you didn't notice you are fueling his need for entertainment. You are the puppets and he's the master remember :rolleyes:
Can't you guys see the humor behind Doom's posts? hahaha guys quit being so serious if you didn't notice you are fueling his need for entertainment. You are the puppets and he's the master remember

I don't think slagging everyone and everything off is funny in itself. If he does do it in a comical character style to be funny and entertain then it doesn't really work as I haven't laughed yet. Certainly not 3 emoticos worth of laughter!
Man you're so metal, PEACE AND LOVE! Come on give me a hug!

If you're going to take that quote seriously you really need to lighten up :rolleyes: i'm laughing myself and you're fueling his need for entertainment by taking his posts WAY too seriously (they don't even deserve to be taken seriously)

Just my 2 cents :spin:
If you're going to take that quote seriously you really need to lighten up i'm laughing myself and you're fueling his need for entertainment by taking his posts WAY too seriously (they don't even deserve to be taken seriously)

I never took that comment seriously in the slightest and I don't need to lighten up at all. I'd rather you didn't make assumptions about me. I come to these forums purely for a good laugh and to make silly posts. People who just bitch angrily all the time are the ones who need to lighten up. Whether they are joking or not it just makes the boards an unpleasant and unfriendly place. If you knew even the slightest thing about me then you would know that I am the last person here who needs to lighten up. If i got any lighter i'd float away.
Originally posted by apex nemesis
I never took that comment seriously in the slightest and I don't need to lighten up at all. I'd rather you didn't make assumptions about me. I come to these forums purely for a good laugh and to make silly posts. People who just bitch angrily all the time are the ones who need to lighten up. Whether they are joking or not it just makes the boards an unpleasant and unfriendly place. If you knew even the slightest thing about me then you would know that I am the last person here who needs to lighten up. If i got any lighter i'd float away.

You don't seem to get it:rolleyes: i'm not making any assumptions about you :spin:

If you're going to take that quote seriously you really need to lighten up i'm laughing myself and you're fueling his need for entertainment by taking his posts WAY too seriously (they don't even deserve to be taken seriously)

You're Fueling his need for entertainment, whine (i'm sorry I couldn't find a better word) all you want but he isn't going to stop his insults and laughable points because of you or other people, if people keep whining he'll continue to make fun of people on this forum and he won't stop insulting people around here :rolleyes:
Oh I didn't for one second think that i was going to convert him or anything. I just found him a bit irritating with his constant negative digs so I commented on it. It wasn't like he really bothered me or anything.

...and stop those rolly eyes dammit. You will make yourself dizzy.
Originally posted by Ultimate_Symphony
If you're going to take that quote seriously you really need to lighten up :rolleyes: i'm laughing myself and you're fueling his need for entertainment by taking his posts WAY too seriously (they don't even deserve to be taken seriously)

Just my 2 cents :spin:

And you took my post seriously as well. Quite amusing, really.
Originally posted by Guardian of Darkness
And you took my post seriously as well. Quite amusing, really.

:lol: What post are you talking about anyway?

Oh I didn't for one second think that i was going to convert him or anything. I just found him a bit irritating with his constant negative digs so I commented on it. It wasn't like he really bothered me or anything.

I see your point and I hope you see mine as well :spin:

And no I won't stop the rolleyes :p