The worst dog in your collection?

Gory Elephant

Apr 26, 2003
What are some of the worst piles of excrement in your collection? I am not talking about if someone gave you a Marilyn Manson or Linkin Park CD for your birthday, I am talking about something that actually has a legitimate claim to being in an average metalhead's collection.

I am in the process of going through my collection to make some "best of" cd's, for the hell of it. Best of grind, black, death, etc... and it has occured to me that I have some pretty crummy cd's in there. So far, the following make that list:

Hateplow - The Only Law is Survival: Like a mouthful of sawdust, dry and flavorless. Ordinarily I approve of boring and unimaginative music (remember, I think Mortician friggin' rules), so I am not sure what this is missing, but it blows.

God Dethroned - The Grand Grimoire: Me big fan of ultra satanic BLACK metal. Me NOT big fan of satanic DEATH metal (except for the masters of all - INCANTATION!!!!). For some reason it does not work for me. Maybe it is the [shudder] keyboards. Regardless, rest assured had I been able to open this cd and look at the pictures of the band before I bought it, me and my loot would never have parted ways for this loser. They are hilariously bad.

Who else has an entry for this list?
I usually sell all the crap CDs or those I just don't listen to. so my collection is "clean" ;) however there's this pile of 20-25 CDs I tried to sell but nobody wants to have, even for small amounts of money. these include bands like Depressive Age (hilarious singer), Proton Blast(ultra-boring industrial metal with french lyrics),...I don't even know right now
Alex78 said:
I usually sell all the crap CDs or those I just don't listen to. so my collection is "clean" ;) however there's this pile of 20-25 CDs I tried to sell but nobody wants to have, even for small amounts of money. these include bands like Depressive Age (hilarious singer), Proton Blast(ultra-boring industrial metal with french lyrics),...I don't even know right now

Hey, one man's junk is another man's treasure. Can I have a look at those 20-25 cd's that you are selling for small amounts of money? Mayhap I can take some off your hands.
Dream theater- Scenes from a memory- songs with little structure and mindless solos everywhere. A real mistake to buy it.

Rhapsody- Symphony of something- enchanted lands I think- I gotta go find it- without a doubt the corniest music I have ever heard in my life- especially coming from talented musicians. The corniest voice overs ever.

Theater of Tragedy- I dont why I have this album- its below average goth metal- awful.

I usually delete the debuts from really bad death, black, and thrash metal bands, very few are any good.
Fear Factory - Remanufacture. The first cd I bought by them and after "hearing" the turgid pile of shit I'd never buy anything with their name on it again. Fucking crap. :(
henrikmain said:
Oh, come on, "Zohak" is easily worth the money alone!
bullcrapballs!! almost all the songs just peter-off or stop with no proper conclusion, they're all senseless drum blasting with very poor, uninspiring riffing that every other death metal band I've heard can do better, every song except Lion of Knowledge sounds exactly the same, but they still throw in a couple stupid 'atmospheric' interludes to try and make up for their complete lack of feeling. the lyrics likewise try to be atmospheric but end-up just becoming a mess of grammar problems.

godawful cd, completely irrelevant band. why did doc and mauser think they had to waste their time and talent doing this senseless rubbish?

TakinTheMusicBack said:
Fear Factory - Remanufacture. The first cd I bought by them and after "hearing" the turgid pile of shit I'd never buy anything with their name on it again. Fucking crap. :(

Well, that's hardly fair. Its an experimental remix album....everything else they've released is actually metal. You'd have to be kinda thick if you honestly believed that was the actual music they've played in their whole career when so many metalheads like them... Listen to the albums Obsolete and Demanufacture, your opinion will change drastically.
SculptedCold said:
Well, that's hardly fair. Its an experimental remix album....everything else they've released is actually metal. You'd have to be kinda thick if you honestly believed that was the actual music they've played in their whole career when so many metalheads like them... Listen to the albums Obsolete and Demanufacture, your opinion will change drastically.

I know fine they played metal - that was why I picked up an album by them. But if Fear Factory want to bring out a techno album of such horrendous quality (and I used to like gabba techno like Ruffneck Alliance so I'm not averse to such music) then I refuse to spend more money on their shit. Why should I, when I need albums by bands like Jethro TUll and Enslaved? I'd rather spend money on honest bands like Enslaved instead of FF who clearly wanted to make a fast buck with Remanufacture, just like Limp Bizkit with their remix disgrace.
Fuck them!!! :loco:
Oh yeah, Korn's "Life Is Peachy" - what a piece of shit. Why did bands like Kron and Coal Chamber start filling albums with stupid nonsense songs? "Issues" is a good album though.
Dude, you are missing out of an amzing band because of making a poor first choice and being a fag about it. Demanufacture is one of the greatest industrial/thrash/death albums EVER. Obsolete is an amazing concept album. Digimortal is nu-metal that's done right, so heavy that it makes the rest of nu-metal sound like country. And their first two, Concrete and SoaNM are brutal industrial death, heavy as hell and complete with brutal growls and clean vocals. Not to mention they only had one guitarist and one bassist, are heavier than many death metal bands still, and their drummer has one of the fastest feet ever.

Fear Factory have never tried to make a fast buck, and if they did, their music had too much artistic integrity and failed to sell. Don't disrespect.
anonymousnick2001 said:
Dude, you are missing out of an amzing band because of making a poor first choice and being a fag about it. Demanufacture is one of the greatest industrial/thrash/death albums EVER. Obsolete is an amazing concept album. Digimortal is nu-metal that's done right, so heavy that it makes the rest of nu-metal sound like country. And their first two, Concrete and SoaNM are brutal industrial death, heavy as hell and complete with brutal growls and clean vocals. Not to mention they only had one guitarist and one bassist, are heavier than many death metal bands still, and their drummer has one of the fastest feet ever.

Fear Factory have never tried to make a fast buck, and if they did, their music had too much artistic integrity and failed to sell. Don't disrespect.

Fuck them - if they were that good they'd never have brought out Remanufacture would they? Maybe I'll buy one of their albums one day - after I've bought EVERY album I haven't got yet.

Your last statement is kinda funny. You think I'm disrespecting them by saying they tried to make a fast buck, then you say "and if they did, their music had too much artistic integrity and failed to sell". So what are you saying? They DID try but failed? Or they didn't? Which? I'd say they did try to make a fast buck, but Remanufacture had too much utter shite on it - that's why it failed, not because it had too much artistic integrity. Have you heard it? It's terrible!
BTW This is my opinion of a shite album so why are people disagreeing? It's MY opinion isn't it? And does anyone seriously think Remanufacture ISN'T fucking crap?
Somberlain said:
Mayhem-Grand Declaration of War.

Ha! Amen to that brother. I break out this monstrosity once in a while just to make sure I am not missing something. And each time the verdict is: Nope, not missing anything. This is, in fact, simply a horrendously bad album.

Oh, and speaking of Mayhem (well, of Maniac in particular), the fourth absolute dog in my collection has to Wurdulak - Ceremony in Flames. A STUPIFYINGLY awful album.

bad gothic rawk album. like The Darkness meets a bad pub goth band. a lot people have said its the finest goth metal album ever. those people are deaf
Dude, Remanufacture is pretty bad. I agree. Yes. YES! Okay?!?

However, their other stuff is so much better it is an insane difference. Listen and you'll see.