The Worst of Myspace (part whatever)

? stop playing stupid. you do it all too well.

if you need a FURTHER explanation;

those are bands that were defining in 'metal' or what would be 'metal' in a few short years...

they did new things, they got shit for it.

you know what, fuck it, be ignorant.

i realized in life, i can get along with anyone, but at points in time i dont see why i should even bother.

i will never meet any of you, and im glad.

ohh wait, go to our shows! err - you know what, that would require leaving such a dismal forum.
I'll go to your show, but I can't guarantee I won't throw projectiles at your heads out of disgust. Toodles! :wave:
if you need a FURTHER explanation;

those are bands that were defining in 'metal' or what would be 'metal' in a few short years...

they did new things, they got shit for it.

you know what, fuck it, be ignorant.

Wow, Judas Priest, Slayer, and Morbid Angel were doing the new things in the metal scene?

Here, I was thinking Sabbath, Venom, and Possessed were a little more influential on the progression of metal in that era.

The more you know!
so whens the next annual RC mall of america get-together?!?!?! i miss u guyz <3
be my guest, but you know that still makes you leave this forum to go to our show.

alot of people like us, and those people will be all around you when you throw things... i cant garantee your safety.

but thanks for the idea...

almost threat-like...

ya know , fighting over the internet is like the special olympics

food for thought:

Captain Beard is a 14 foot tall lumberjack. If he threw something at me, I would lay down and take it.
Captain Beard is a 14 foot tall lumberjack. If he threw something at me, I would lay down and take it.

[11:21pm] <E-bortion> Captain Beard is a 14 foot tall lumberjack. If he threw something at me, I would lay down and take it.
[11:21pm] <E-bortion> aajaajaaha
[11:21pm] <E-bortion> SO TRUE
[11:24pm] <NoLordy> I respect that man now more than I ever have.
well you are a fucking behemoth. seeing you at the airport was definitely more than intimidating, especially when you told me to hold your hat.
Yeah, I remember meeting David after he got off a bus in San Francisco. I thought he was gonna pick up the bus and twirl it over his head, toss it into traffic, then growl a mighty lumberjack growl to the sky.
fo shit, ill take down a lumber jack... 14 ft tall and jack

have you even seen our pictures? i took down that dragon.

i drop cr12s all night long, and last i checked - hill giants are only cr 8s

I played D&D one time. There is nothing inherently wrong with it. I just realized that asian porn was more my style when it comes to group entertainment.
Oh, I don't mind it personally, a friend of mine about as tall played it, but he has the good sense not to make stupid comments like that.