Themed Mixtape Game

Here's one that goes back to fucking 2015. HMMMM I WONDER WHO IT WAS THAT TOLD ON ME????


You're certainly mistaken. I've never reported you.
maybe all that adderall that your parents have been feeding you has fucked up your memory? Also you might not have REPORTED me by pressing the report button, but you literally proved in this thread that youve snitched and ratted on me with solid evidence. Its there for everyone to see dude, and i also saved your screenshot. Your snitch card will live for the rest of eternity.
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Thanks for giving a screencap, though it does not specifically mention me in any way, and he specifically qualified his post with "or vice versa", which implies again that you started shit and couldn't take it back.

I replied to a PM with a PM. I didn't call out any specific post, instead I called out you as a person as a hypocrite.
Thanks for giving a screencap, though it does not specifically mention me in any way, and he specifically qualified his post with "or vice versa", which implies again that you started shit and couldn't take it back.

I replied to a PM with a PM. I didn't call out any specific post, instead I called out you as a person as a hypocrite.
i already told you he never mentioned any names. But you confirmed what i had known all along with those screen caps, that you;re a tattletale rat

Snitch After Snitch is another one of your favorites no?

"called out" :lol:
I've found posts of yours regarding sig'ing me from several months earlier than that PM. Do you believe that I refrained from reporting you for several months (if not years), and then afterwards complained to MetalAges?
TB is cancer and Deron is a fucking moron.
ah, one of the gigantic rats we were talking about earlier. Knew it was only a matter of time before you showed up. Keeping you and few other sour fucks that no one here gives one shit about constantly mad and pissed off is one of the ways i keep this place alive. I was gone for a few months and people were saying how dead and lame this place was, I bet if you left no one would give a single fuck. Its once again alive and thriving now and there are people who are even thanking me for it. Deal with the facts man.

he probably beats his wife.
Him and Satanscableguy probably drink beers together and talk about what the most effective way of beating their spouses are.
Updated measurable. Top all time scores have changed slightly - also I broke out between the two games for further analysis.



So @Sirjack is the current high score for metal submissions
@Funerary_Doom is the current high score for non-metal submissions
@RadicalThrasher remains high score of all time


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@Carpe Mortem are you counting the 2018 version of the game?

I also dont see my name on the metal side of the first pic

Once I'm tagged in a final winner yes I'll add it. Also you've never won the metal game that I could find. Here are your two winners:


Those graphs are cool but I'm definitely confused. What is the red column indicate vs the line?

The red column is how many times you've won, the line is the average of your winning scores
Find it and send me a link to the page glad to correct it. Thought I was pretty thorough though.
ah, one of the gigantic rats we were talking about earlier. Knew it was only a matter of time before you showed up. Keeping you and few other sour fucks that no one here gives one shit about constantly mad and pissed off is one of the ways i keep this place alive. I was gone for a few months and people were saying how dead and lame this place was, I bet if you left no one would give a single fuck. Its once again alive and thriving now and there are people who are even thanking me for it. Deal with the facts man.
I feel so worthless. OMG. I really could’ve been a big player here if only I had spent every waking moment of the last many years conniving, gossiping, bitching and collecting & fabricating bullshit about people on here in order to feel like a REAL MAN because THEY SAID I WAS A HOMO, MOM, THEY MADE FUN OF ME MOM AND NOW THEY’RE GONNA PAY *sobs*
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