Themed Mixtape Game

Haven't you also said that Omni lies about literally everything? I don't take much of what anyone says here seriously, let alone what Omni says seriously.

what are you talking about? you think he admitted to me that he fucked men? I found his old instagram and facebook account where half his friends were trannies. I found one of his exes that he lived with that was a fucking trannie dude. Stop coming to your own retarded conclusions. That's a bad habit that you need to drop, especially since you're always waaay off point.

A person without a spine gets bothered long-term over words on a forum. Overall, Omni has injected a lot of life into this forum, and I thank him for it.
He actually tried to get you banned numerous times, having a spine is the last thing you would know anything about. If you did you would realize that some of the "words" that you say here would get your face smashed in IRL(as plenty of other have already told you). Youre the definition of a spinelss coward, no one else here even comes close. You've said shit on here to me that would in reality put you in the ER, but in person If i pulled out my dick you would ask to suck on it.

87 results for short, huh? ;)
yummm es, its a pretty common word. And he alwyas liked talking about how tall he was and how short others were so there's that too.
I remember having an argument, I think brief, with Omni on Facebook because he was very keen that MetalAges have you banned for your incessant claims that Pagan Altar were a fake band, which I just thought was some gay ass absurd shit. Omni was a piece of shit, especially behind the scenes.

I think it's pretty obvious that Terry Jones is Omni. In any case, that doesn't bother me. Seeing people become snitches and bitches in my presence makes me feel better, not worse.

what are you talking about? you think he admitted to me that he fucked men? I found his old instagram and facebook account where half his friends were trannies. I found one of his exes that he lived with that was a fucking trannie dude. Stop coming to your own retarded conclusions. That's a bad habit that you need to drop, especially since you're always waaay off point.

He actually tried to get you banned numerous times, having a spine is the last thing you would know anything about. If you did you would realize that some of the "words" that you say here would get your face smashed in IRL(as plenty of other have already told you). Youre the definition of a spinelss coward, no one else here even comes close. You've said shit on here to me that would in reality put you in the ER, but in person If i pulled out my dick you would ask to suck on it.

yummm es, its a pretty common word. And he alwyas liked talking about how tall he was and how short others were so there's that too.

I'm pretty sure those were your words in a previous conversation. But my bad, I should have intuitively known from his posts here that he had a secret tranny-fucking Instagram.

Same goes for you, e-tough guy.

Did you and Omni have long conversations about men's height often?
Did you and Omni have long conversations about men's height often?
Is that the first thing of when you think of shirt? :lol: what a fag

"short messages", "short time", "ill check it out shortly" "in short time" etc. Get your mind out of the gutter, you degenerate. The only time height and short was mentioned is when i probably said im shorter than he is.
And he alwyas liked talking about how tall he was and how short others were so there's that too.

Is that the first thing of when you think of shirt? :lol: what a fag

"short messages", "short time", "ill check it out shortly" "in short time" etc. Get your mind out of the gutter, you degenerate. The only time height and short was mentioned is when i probably said im shorter than he is.

Which is it? Also, is discussing height degenerate? Do you automatically associate height with sex appeal? I didn't say that you and Omni discussed men's height out of lust. It could have been a power thing, for instance.
Seeing people become snitches and bitches in my presence makes me feel better, not worse.
says one of the biggest snitch bitches on this forum. You obviously don't even know what those two words mean.

Which is it?

i already told you, he would always talk about how "shes" so tall and slim. He called yoda short, i think he even called me and a few others short.

I didn't say that you and Omni discussed men's height out of lust. It could have been a power thing, for instance.
Lol, yeah this just proves how much of a degenerate you are. The way your mind works is amazing.
says one of the biggest snitch bitches on this forum. You obviously don't even know what those two words mean.

I've never snitched on this forum, except perhaps in reporting spambots in the early hours. On other forums I've only snitched a couple of times, and only for tubgirl-related offenses. I've never once bitched about another member through PMs/Facebook/etc either.
I think it's pretty obvious that Terry Jones is Omni.


In any case, that doesn't bother me. Seeing people become snitches and bitches in my presence makes me feel better, not worse.

Fair enough, I merely point that out to indicate just how petty and sociopathic he was. If you recall, Omni actually left for a brief period specifically because MetalAges wouldn't tamp down on your Pagan Altar theories. Trying to control things to that degree is quite crazy, he probably beats his wife.
I've never snitched on this forum, except perhaps in reporting spambots in the early hours. On other forums I've only snitched a couple of times, and only for tubgirl-related offenses. I've never once bitched about another member through PMs/Facebook/etc either.
do you know what a snitch is? Someone who goes to the authorities(like a mod or admins in this case). And yes, you have snitched on people on this forum, including me and had plenty of my posts removed. Cried about my sigs and had those removed too. You're also the biggest bitch on this forum. Thats something you yourself shouldnt even deny.

And no one here talks to you on facebook. If they did id only imagine how much bitching you would do, probably omni level stuff

Anyone who reports people on this forum is a snitch bitch. Ozz, STN, omni, you etc

Fair enough, I merely point that out to indicate just how petty and sociopathic he was. If you recall, Omni actually left for a brief period specifically because MetalAges wouldn't tamp down on your Pagan Altar theories. Trying to control things to that degree is quite crazy, he probably beats his wife.

Wouldn't be surprised.

do you know what a snitch is? Someone who goes to the authorities(like a mod or admins in this case). And yes, you have snitched on people on this forum, including me and had plenty of my posts removed. Cried about my sigs and had those removed too. You're also the biggest bitch on this forum. Thats something you yourself shouldnt even deny.

And no one here talks to you on facebook. If they did id only imagine how much bitching you would do, probably omni level stuff

Anyone who reports people on this forum is a snitch bitch. Ozz, STN, omni, you etc

lmao, I disable signatures on this forum since they're so bulky, I only know what signatures people have when I click on their profiles (which is now a pointless venture since the "Users recent posts" function no longer works properly). On another forum a mod had edited gay porn into my own signature, and I kept it with pride until they banned me for not removing it. If you think I care about things like that you clearly don't know my personality at all, and it makes me doubt your judgment over Omni if anything. I've never reported any of your posts. By contrast, I remember a certain someone complaining heavily about (but never posting in) a certain Snitch Den thread I created, which MetalAges graciously removed for you.

I've had a few people invite me to Facebook (the nicer people on this forum generally) though I turned them down because I'm not a fan of Facebook or of mixing shitposting and real-life.
you remember me complaining about it? Are you delusional? Or do you remember me not posting in it and you guys cried about the fact that i didn't give your little snitch den any attention? This once again proves that your are either sick in the head and convince yourself of things that never happened or are just as much of a serial liar as omni was. And unlike you, i never went crying to him and asked for that thread to be deleted or anything. And you definitely didnt have sigs(ones that you reported) blocked att and you would reference them. He told asked me numerous times not to put you in my sigs .... hmmmm I WONDER WHY?? :lol: a snitch den it was

and yes, you cared so much that i would lure you into arguments everytime with those quotes. you've only recently learned to deal with shit like that. Maybe your new medication works better?
You bitched and bitched that MetalAges wasn't doing anything about the thread when some other thread you had made was deleted. Maybe you didn't hit the report button, but you sure cried up enough of a storm to get the same result, you giant pussy.

I don't remember ever seeing myself in one of your sigs. I think I've been blocking sigs ever since I started posting here; I know it took a long time for me to learn about Dodens' "Boston Market" quip in Mort's sig, for example.

What quotes btw?
You bitched and bitched that MetalAges wasn't doing anything about the thread when some other thread you had made was deleted. Maybe you didn't hit the report button, but you sure cried up enough of a storm to get the same result, you giant pussy.

Dude are you really going to make shit like this up? I bitched about it? I cried about it? I literally kept quoting and trolling you guys in every other thread enough that you guys actually kept complaining about the fact that i wasnt posting in that thread and some of you even reported me for constantly responding("derailing") in other threads(you included im pretty sure). And what thread did i make that was deleted? Before doing the yearly polls and song survivor I had made one or two threads the while time i'd been here, one was the who do you think you are thread and the other one was the RYM thread, they are both still here. Please, please find me one other person here that can back up your claim that i cried about that thread being around. I literally never, NOT once even mentioned the existence of that thread. You're a pathological liar, and this proves it.

I don't remember ever seeing myself in one of your sigs.

What quotes btw?
wow lies again. Are you seriously trolling with all this bullshit? Why should i believe youve never reported me when you're sitting here lying about literally everything in this post i quoted?
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That is why I block avatars and signatures on most forums. They ruin my wonderful mental images. :(

And here's one in 2013, where you explicitly direct me to your signature and I imply that I do not enable signatures:

I'm pretty sure that you consider Symbolic to be tech-death, so lol.

Avatars and signatures are for the weak, btw.

You couldn't lie more blatantly if you tried, Turktoy.
@HamburgerBoy dude im waiting for you to find one piece of evidence that backs you up. Find one of the numerous other people form that thread that can back up what you're saying that i cried/bitched about that threads existence. When in reality you guys kept crying about the fact that i kept quoting you guys everywhere else and said i was derailing threads and eventfully reported me.

yes, you've referenced the "Sepultura and Slayer are death metal", "RIP isnt thrash", "Protest the Hero are tech thrash" etc quotes i had i my sig numerous times. Youve cried about it to deron numerous times which is the reason he asked me to remove them. What you think those sigs bothered him? :lol: I have messages in my inbox of me confronting him on why he removed them.
@HamburgerBoy dude im waiting for you to find one piece of evidence that backs you up. Find one of the numerous other people form that thread that can back up what you're saying that i cried/bitched about that threads existence. When in reality you guys kept crying about the fact that i kept quoting you guys everywhere else and said i was derailing threads and eventfully reported me.

yes, you've referenced the "Sepultura and Slayer are death metal", "RIP isnt thrash", "Protest the Hero are tech thrash" etc quotes i had i my sig numerous times. Youve cried about it to deron numerous times which is the reason he asked me to remove them. What you think those sigs bothered him? :lol: I have messages in my inbox of me confronting him on why he removed them.

You first.

Oh, I remember now. Yeah, you explicitly directed me to your signature, and then when I began going tit for tat, I received a PM from MetalAges within an hour asking me to remove it:


You fucking pussy :lol::lol::lol:
bahahah i love it, YOU JUST BURNED YOURSELF!

First off ... i just told you hes not only asked me to remove your info from my sig, but has even deleted them himself numerous times where ive even told him that im going to put them back regardless if it gets me banned. You asked him if i reported you, so why dont you continue with the rest of that screenshot? And this is fucking awesome, you yourself snitched me out in that PM by saying i shit up every thread. BAHAHHA SNITCH CONFIRMED DUDE.
this is directly after your PM exchange with him above WHERE YOU FUCKING SNITCHED ME OUT


here is one of my exchanges with him after yous snitched on me....

you fucking snitch.